Thursday, 14 August 2008

މާލޭ އިންޓަރނޭޝަނަލް އެއަރޕޯޓް އިޤްތިޞޯދީ ވަޅުގަޑަކަށް ވަށްޓާލައިފި ! 16 މިލިއަން ޑޮލަރުގެ އިންޖީނުގޭގެ ހާލަތު !

 ޚާއްސަ ކަރާޝިބު ރިޕޯޓް

ލިޔުނީ: މުހައްމަދު އާމިރު، 14 އޮގަސްޓް 2008

އާދެ! ކުޑަވެސް  ސައްކެއްނެތް މިފަހަރު އަޅުގަޑު އަލިއަޅުވާލާނީ މިފަހަކަށް އައިސް އެއަރޕޯޓުގައި ވަކި ބަޔަކު ހިނގި އެންމެ ބޮޑު ޚިޔާނާތާއި އޮޅުވާލުމުގެ ވާހަކައިގެ މައްޗަށެވެ.

މާލޭ ބައިނަލް އަޤްވާމީ ވައިގެ ބަނދަރަކީ ޒަމާނުއްސުރެ މިޤައުމުގެ މާލިއްޔަތައް އެތައްގޮތްގޮތުން ތަފާތު ދާއިރާތަކުން ގިނަގުނަ ލާބަޔާއި މަންފާ ހޯދައިދެމުން އަންނަ ތަނެކެވެ. ނަމަވެސް ހިތާމަޔަކީ ވަކިދުވަސްވަރެއްގައި ކުންފުންޏަކަށް ބަދަލުކޮށް، ގޮޅާބޯ ކުންފުނި ހަވާލުކުރި ވެރިއެއްގެ ނުފޫޒާއި، އާރާއި، ބާރުގެ ބޭނުންކޮށްގެން ކުންފުންޏައް އެކިއެކި ފައިދާތަކެއްކޮށްދިން ނަމަވެސް، އެވެރިމީހާ (ބޮޑުވަގު އިލްޔާސް) ގެ ކައިރިން ދަރިވަރުވި ބައިގަޑެއްގެ ސުންޕާކަމެވެ. ޚާއްސަކޮށް މިހާރު ކުންފުނީގައި ތިބި ގިނަ އިސްވެރިންތަކެއް ފާހަގަކޮށްލަމެވެ.

އެއިރު ބޮޑުވަގު އިލްޔާސްގެ މޮޓޯޔަކަށް ވެފައިވަނީ ކުންފުންޏައް ތަފާތު އެކިވައްތަރުގެ އަގުބޮޑުހެންހީވާކަހަލަ ސާމާނުތައް މިބައިގަޑާ ގުޅިގެން ބޮޑެތިހެންހީވާކަހަލަ ކަޓު ނެގޭގޮތައް އެތެރެކުރުމެވެ. މިކަންތައްގަޑުގެ ސަބަބުން ކުންފުނީގެ މިވެރީންގެ ގައިގާ އަށަގަތީ އެއްކަލަ ރާއްޖެއަށް މަޝްހޫރު "ބޮޑުކަޓް" ރިޝްވަތު ނެގުމުގެ ސިޔާސަތެވެ. ހިތާމަޔަކީ ވަކިވަރަކަށް ކަޓް ނެގުމަށްފަހު މި އާދަތައް މިވެރީންގެ ގައިން ފޮހެނުލެވުނީމައެވެ. ދެންކުރާނެކަމެއްނެތެވެ. އެބަލި މިހާރުދެން މިވެރީންނަށް އެތިބީ ޖެހޭނެވަރަށް ޖެހިފައެވެ. ހަމަ ހިލާ ސަލާމަތެއް ނުވާނެއެވެ.

މިފަހަރު ފޭސް -4 ގެ ދަށުން އެޅި އިންޖީނުގެޔަކީ މިހާތަނައް އެއަރޕޯޓު ކުންފުންޏައް ބަޔަކު ގަސްތުގައިވީ ޚިޔާނާތެއް  ކަމަށް އަލުގަޑުދެކެމެވެ. ސަބަބުތަކެއް ނެތިއެއް ނޫނެވެ. އެއީ ފުރަތަމަ ތިން އިންޖީނު ގެންނަންވެގެން ކުންފުނީގެ ބަޔަކު ރާއްޖެއިން ބޭރަށްގޮސް އެތިން އިންޖީނުބަލައި ޓެސްޓުކުރިޔޯލައެވެ. ޓެސްޓް ކުރިޔަސް ނުކުރިޔަސް އެނގޭނީ ހަމަ މޮޅު އިންޖިނޭރު ޗޮކު ހަސަނާއި މިބައިގަޑަށެވެ. މައްސަލައެއްނެތެވެ. މިކަންތައްކުރިކަމަށް ކުންފުނީގެ ރިކޯޑްތަކުން ފެންނާން އެބަހުއްޓެވެ.

'މާން' 3 އިންޖީނަށް ދިމާވި މައްސަލަތަކާއި މިކަމާއި ގުޅުން ހުރި ބައެއްކަންތައްތައް.

މި 3 އިންޖީނު ގެނެސްގެން ކަމިޝަން ކުރަން ވިއްކިފަރާތުން ފޮނުވިމީހާ ފުރަތަމަވެސް 3 އިންޖީނު ރޫޅާލީއެވެ. ފުރަތަމަ ކުރި މަސައްކަތުގެ ތެރޭގައި 3 ނަމްބަރު އިންޖީނުގެ ލުބްއޮއިލް ފަންޕް ނައްޓާ އާ ޕަންޕެއް އެޅުވުނެވެ. އަދި ލުބްއޮއިލް ކޫލަރ އިންޖީނު ހެދި ކުންފުންޏައް އޮޅިގެން ކުޑަ ކޫލަރެއް އެޅުވުނީޔޯ ކިޔާފައި އެވެސް ބަދަލު ކުރީއެވެ. ދެން ޓެސްޓްކޮށް ހަދާފަ އިންޖީނު ހިންގިތަނާ ކުރީކޮޅުން އާދަޔާ ޚިލާފަށް އަޑީތެޔޮ ފައިބާން ފެށިއެވެ. ދެން ނައްޓާފަ ބެލިއިރު ކަމަކުދާކަށް ނެތެވެ. މިއޮތީ 'ސީޑް'ގައި އާދަޔާ ޚިލާފު ބޮޑުލޯވަޅެއް ހެދިފައެވެ. އެއީ ކުންފުނިން އެޅުވިއިރު ކަށިގަޑު ވަދެފަޔޯލަ؟

ދެން މަގޭ ކުއްލިޔަކަށް ހަނދާނައް މިޔައީ އަހަރެމެން ކުޑަ އިރު އުލޭނެ ބައިސްކަލް ހަދާ މީހެއް 'އަބާގޭ ސައްތާރު' ކިޔާމީހެއް ދެއްތޯ؟ އެބޭފުޅާޔަށްވެސް މިވާގޮތަކީ އަޅުގަޑުމެން ބައިސްކަލްގެ ފުރޮޅު ފަޅައިގެން ދިޔައިމާ އަވަހަށް ބައިސްކަލުގެ ފުރޮޅު ނައްޓާފަ ހަން ބައްދާ ވައިޖަހާފަ މިފޮނުވާލަނީ، ދެން މިވާގޮތަކީ ތަންކޮޅަކަށް ދެވޭ އިރަށް ވައި އަނެއްފަހަރު ދަނީ، ދެން އަވަހަށް ބާރަށް ދުއްވާފަ އެހެންތަނަކަށްގޮސް މިބަލަނީ މިވާގޮތެއް، ބަލާއިރު މިހުންނަނީ އެއްކަލަ އެތައް މިލިޔަން ޑޮލަރެއް ދީގެން ގެނައި އިންޖީނުތަކަށްވާހެން އެޅުވުމުގައި ކަށިގަޑު ވަދެ ބޮޑެތިލޯވަޅު އެޅިފައެވެ. ސައްތާރުބެޔާއި މި އިންޖީނުތައް ހެދި މީހުންނާއި ހުރި ތަފާތަކީ ކޮބާތޯއެވެ.

ޕަވަރ ހައުސްގެ މުވައްޒިފުންނައް ވަގަށާއި އަދި ފާޅުގައި އެތައްކަމެއްކޮށް 3 އިންޖީނުވެސް މިބައި މީހުން މިތަނުގައި ބަހައްޓައިގެން ރޫޅާ ރާވާފަ ހިންގުމުގައި ނެގީ ގިނަވެގެން 1 މަސްދުވަހެވެ. އެކިފަހަރުމަތިން 7 އިންޖިނޭރުން ރާއްޖެއައިސް 3 އިންޖީނުގެ 36 ހެޑް ވަނީ މިހާރު ބަދަލުކޮށްފައެވެ. މިއިންކޮންމެ ހެޑެއްގެ އަގަކީ 5000 ( ފަސްހާސް ) ޕައުންޑެވެ. އަޅުގަޑުމެން ދަންނަގޮތުގައި އިންޖީނުގެ ހެޑަކީ މިގޮތައް ބަދަލުކުރަން ޖެހޭ އެއްޗިއްސެއްނޫނެވެ. މިހުރިހާ ކަމެއްކޮށްގެންވެސް އިންޖީނު ހިންގިތަނާ އަނެއްކާވެސް މިވަނީ 3 އިންޖީނު މައްސަލަޖެހި ހަލާކުވެފައެވެ. އަހަރެމެން ބާޒާރުން ގަންނަ 1 ކިލޯ ވޯޓުގެ އިންޖީނުވެސް ގަނެގެން ގެންނަގޮތައް 1 އަހަރުވަންދެން އެއްވެސް  މެއިންޓަނަންސެއްނުކޮށް ހިންގޭ އިރު އެތައް މިލިއަން ޑޮލަރެއް ޚަރަދުކޮށްގެން ގެނައި އިންޖީނުތަކަށް ހަމައެއްގޮތެއްވެސް ނުވިއެވެ. މިކަމުގައި ހުރިހާގެއްލުމަކާއި ދެރައެއް މިވީ ކޮންބަޔަކަށްތޯ އެބަ ސުވާލުކޮށްލަންޖެހެއެވެ. ހަގީގަތް ހާމަކުރާ ބޭފުޅަކުނަމަ ބުނާނީ އަޅުގަޑުމެންނަށާއި، އަންނަން އޮތްޖީލުތަކަށްވީ ވަރަށް ބޮޑު، ފޫބެއްދުމަށްދަތި ކަރަޕްޓުން ފުރިގެންވާ ޚިޔާނާތެއްގެ ގޮތުގައެވެ.

1 - ގެނައިތަނުން އިންޖީނުތަކުން ތެޔޮ ލީކުވުން.

2-  ލުބްއޮއިލް ޕަންޕް މައްސަލަޖެހުން.

3- ނުބައި ލުބްއޮއިލް ކޫލަރެއް ހަރުކޮށްފައި ހުރުން.

4- ސިލިންޑަރ ހެޑްތައް ފަޅައިގެން ދިޔުން.

5- ބައެއް ޓްރާންސްފޯމަރު ތަކުން ތެޔޮލީކުވުން.

6- ފޭސް-4 ގެ ދަށުން ގެނައި ސަބްސްޓޭޝަން ( ޓްރާންސްފޯމަރ ) ތަކުން އޭގެކެޕޭސިޓީއާއި އެއްވަރަށް ލޯޑް ނުނެގުން.

7- މުޅި އެއަރޕޯޓުގެ އެތައް މިތާގައި އިންޖީނުތައް ބަހައްޓާއިގެން އެއަރޕޯޓައް ކަރަންޓް ދިނުން.

8- މި 3 އިންޖީނައް އާއެއްޗަކަށް ދިމަނުވާ އެތައް މައްސަލަތަކެއް ދިމާވުން.

9- މި 3 އިންޖީނުގެ 'މާން' ޓްރޭނިން އެއްވެސް މުވައްޒިފަކަށް ނުދިނުން.

އާދެ! ކަން މިހެން ހުރުމާއި އެކު އަނެއްކާވެސް އެއްކަލަ ޕަވަރ ހައުސްގެ ޗޮކު ހަސަނައްވެސް ބައި އަޅާގޮތައް މިފަހަރުވެސް ކޮންމެވެސް ގޭސް ގަޑެއް އެނބުރުމަށް 4 އޯގަސްޓް 2008 ވަނަދުވަހުގެ ރޭ ސިންގަޕޫރައް އެއްކަލަ ކަރަޕްޓް ބައިގަޑު އަޑީގައި ތިބެގެން ފުރުވާލައިފިއެވެ. މިފަހަރު ބަލަން ދިޔަ ދެ އިންޖީނަކީ ކަމިންސް 2 މެގަ ވޮޓް ގެ ދެ އިންޖީނޭ ބުނެޔޯލައެވެ. އެކަމަކު މީގަ ހެއްވާ ކަމަކީ ހަސަނު މިބުނަނީ މުވައްޒިފުން ކައިރީގަ މިހާރު ކަމިންސް ކުންފުނިން މިވަރުގެ ބޮޑެތި އިންޖީނު ނުއުފައްދަޔޯލަ. އެކަމަކުވެސް މިގެންނަނީ އާއެއްޗިހި އުތަ؟

ކީއްތޯ ވާނީ އެންމެފަހަރަކުނަމަވެސް ސޭކުސިޔާމް ފޮނުވިއްޔާ. އެއްޗެއްގެ އަގުބަލާލާ ނޫނީ އެއްޗެއްގަނެލަން. ހަސަނަކީ މެކޭނިކަލް އިންޖިނޭރެއްނޫންވިއްޔާ. ސޭކު ޝިޔާމަކީވެސް މެކޭނިކަލް އިންޖިނޭރެއް ނޫން. ކޮބައިތޯ ދެ ބޭފުޅުންގެ ހުރިތަފާތަކީ؟ ހަމަ ގައިމުވެސް އަޅުގަޑު ދެކޭގޮތުގައި މަޤާމުގެ ތަފާތު ވަރަށް ބޮޑުތަން ފެނެއެވެ.

މިއެއަރޕޯޓަކީ އަޅުގަޑުމެން ދިވެހިރައްޔިތުންގެ ދާއޮހޮރުވައިގެން ބުރަ މަސައްކަތުން ބިނާކޮށްފައިވާތަނެކެވެ. މިއީ ހަމައެކަނި އެއަރޕޯޓް ހިންގަންތިބި ކަރަޕްޓް ވެރިންނާއި، މިޤައުމުގެ ވެރިކަމުގައި 30 އަހަރު ވަކިހިތްޕައިގެން ތިބި ބައިގަޑުގެ ތަނެއްނޫންކަން މިފުރުޞަތުގައި ހަނދާންކޮށްދެމެވެ.

މި ފުރުސަތުގައި އެއާޕޯޓުގެ ސީއީއީ އާމިރުވެސް މިހާރު ކަޓުނަގާ ގުރޫޕާ ގުޅި، އެމީހުން ހިމާޔަތް ކުރަމުން ދާތީ އެކަމާ ނުރުހުން ފާޅުކުރާ ވާހަކަވެސް ދަންނަވާލަން ޖެހެއެވެ. ގޮޅާބޯ ބުނާހެން މީ އަޅުގަޑު ވަރަށް ހިތާމަ ކުރާ ކަމެކެވެ. އާމިރުވެސް މިހާރު ބޭނުންވަނީ ހަމަ ކަޓުޖައްސާށެވެ. އެހެން ނޫންނަމަ ވަގުންތައް ހިމާޔަތް ކުރާކަށް ކަމަރެއް ނުބަނީހެވެ. 

ވީމާ އަޅުގަޑުމެން އެއަރޕޯޓު މުވައްޒިފުންގެ އާދޭހާއި އެކު މިއިލްތިމަސް ކުރަނީ ރައްޔިތުން މަޖިލީހުގެ އިއްޒަތްތެރި މެންބަރުންނާ، ރާއްޖޭގައި އުފައްދާފައިވާ ސިޔާސީ ޕާޓީތަކަށާއި، ނޫސްވެރީންނާއި އަދި އެންޓި ކަރަޕްޝާން ބޯޑައް މިކަންތައްތައް ބައްލަވައިދެއްވާ މިކަމުގައި ޝާމިލުވާ ހުރިހާ  ފަރާތްތަކެއް އިންސާފުގެ ކުރިމައްޗައް ހާޒިރުކޮށްދެވޭނެ މަގުފަހި ކޮށްދެއްވުމެވެ.

މާތް ﷲ އަޅުގަޑުމެންގެ މި މާލޭ ބައިނަލް އަޤްވާމީ ވައިގެ ބަނދަރައް އަދައްވުރެ ފެހި މާދަމާއެއް އެދެމުން ވަކިވެލީމެވެ.



Anonymous said...

ތި ސީ، އ،ީ އޯ އަކީ އާދަޔާ ހިލާފް މީހެއްކަމައް ޓެލެކޮމް އޮތޯރިޓީން ވަނީ މައުލޫމާތު ދެއްވާފަ.
އެންމެފުރަތަމަވެސް ޓެލެކޮމްގެ ސީ އީ ކަން ލިބްމާއެކު ގަސްދުކުރީ އެތަނުގައި ތިބި ބައެއްދުވަސްވީ މީހުން ކަނޑާލަން.
އެކަންވެސް އޭނާ ކުރި.ދެންކުރަންފެށިކަމަކީ އެކްސް ކޮމް އެއް ހަދާ އެ އެކްސް ކޮމްގެ ކޮންމެމީހަކައް އެމީހެއްގެމުސާރައިގެ
%40 ރައީސްއޮފީހައްލިޔެގެންހަމަޖެއްސީ.ސއކްޝަންތަކުގެ ހެޑުންނާއި މަސައްކަތްކުރާމީހުންތިބީ ތިބިގޮތަށެވެ.އަދި މީނަގެ ގުރޫޕް
ގެމީހުންނައް ޑަބަލް ޕްރޮމޯޝަންތައްވެސްހަމަޖެއްސީއެވެ.މިކަހަލަގެ ވަރައްގިނަކަންތައްތައްހުރީ ކޮއްފައެވެ.އެހެންވީމާ މިހާރު އެކަހަލަގެ ބޮޑްކުންފުންޏެއްގެ ހެޑްކަންލިބްނީމަ މިކަލޭގެ ބޮޑްކަޓޭ ފަހަތައްޖައްސާލާފަ ބޮޑްކަޓޭއައް ބަދަލްވާނެއެވެ.

Anonymous said...

Its obvious that Airport company is under corruption, and this has been ongoing for years. The newly appointed CEO Amir is doing the right thing at this moment. He should not pinpoint anyone unless he has the solid proof of corruption. Maldives is a country where every government owned company runs by corruption and some of the senior members has special privileges, either in the form of political lobbying or financial status. Hence it will not be easy to change such a company in a fortnight.

Junior people of Airport doesent think before they act. Airport cannot be corrected by writing these articles in political websites, it will be corrected through managerial process, and you should give enough time for Amir to complete his work.

Dont be like bull dogs, and shout what ever you think. By writing these articles you are not trying to help Airport, but you are helping and joining the team of Bodu Katey. He is a financially corrupted, and you people are morally corrupted.

Anonymous said...

kobaa kihine vaanee teeves hama boduvagu Ilyas ge reyvun tikama kah badaleh naan naane .
Ali Haasim Men tikunfunee ga uley haa duvahaku titan daanee hama ti gotah

Anonymous said...

The problem been a mechanical failure and when MACL has so many qualified mechanical engineers like Mr. Rifau, noone is consulted on this issue officially. MACL dosent utilise its technical staffs and they dont value them, for the reason most of them are now fedup of the place and thinking of moving out and looking for better opportunities, this is something which the management specially the CEO has to look in seriously if he REALLY want to improve and have a better tomorrow in MACL. Such technical places can only develop if the technical staff are treated well and use their expertise in the development.

Anonymous said...

Thi 3 Generator balaa check kuran miulhey ma molhu choku hassan uk ah ves dhiyakamah vey. anekkaaves KATU nagaabaigadu Katu nagan vegen mamolhu choku Hassan singapor ahfonuvee miulhey Bodu Katey Ali Hashim mihaaru Katu nagan emme fasheyha e chok Hassan fonuveema viyya miulhey CEA Amiru ves mikamuga baiverivaneethaa? power house ga gaimuves Generator balan dhaane meehaku nethee baa efurusathu ehen meehakah nudhenee Bodu KATEY aai KUDA KATEY mennah KATU nulibidhaanetheeve.

Anonymous said...

as a person who has seen a lot upfront, i am amazed by the untrue portrayal of facts. I wonder who is doing this and for what benefit. i am sure a company the size of airport company will have due processes in place. all of this actually destroys what a lot of people have built with hard work and negatively effects all who work diligently at the airport. this sort of lies distorts the facts and and the workplace. this only serves the narrow interests of some crazy and power hungry people in the airport.

Anonymous said...

I think Ceo should take action against Mr chock hassan.He is the one who responsible for all three gensets, transformer,busbar.he is very curuppted person

Anonymous said...

aharaen nakee thi compeneegai 11 aharu vazeefaa adhaa koh fai vaa mee hakee meve ' ahareh bunan bey nun vaa '' vaahayakee thiaalaathu balaanee amih lah jeebah baru vaane goy .. eyaalaathun nah singapoor kudhin fenuneema raaje mathin hadhaaneh nuvaane .. alhaanulaa ... vaane hurihaa gotheh vaane ..... mi e tha dhu ... thi aalaathun nah ves ingey neh ......

hooooop said...

airport mi halaaku vany mi kiyyaa 4th face akaa heddi..hinga liyamaa, maakatey akee Bakari Solihu ( mi lhai airport 4th fahuge hurihaa technical kamehge katu nagany Stainly kiyya lankaa lhai akaa havaalu kohgen) .4th fahuge hurihaa technical kameh vanny bodu failure akah vefa....4th face feshi iru , Bakari Solihu gaygai meeting thakeh vanny konme reaku kahala gothah baavaafa.. ulheny
banday shafyg, choku hassan , projects kalhu aamir,projects shareef, mi bakari Solihu, electronices ge kalhu zaahir, e iru engeenu ge ves othy Bakari Solihu DHashuga, ingeenu thkaa power bai mulhin fail, airfield project thah nunimay adhi ves, aa tower adhi acc radar , mulhin fail. mi baigadaa alhaa balaairu bodu katay mi ulheny 3vana meehakah. 1st Bakari solihu(lanka gai kunfunneh hadhigen hurihaa kameh emeehunnaa havaalu kohgen katu nagaa). 2nd banday shafeegu (maakatey aa bodukatey dhemeehunnah fainace kuraa), bodu katey(hurihaa sivil projects thakun laari happalhailaa)

Anonymous said...

Comment to 21:34

Do you think that those who comments and write articles are fanatical and power hungry, you must be one of the person who must be dreaming . you cant believe what you see, so better keep your mouth shut. The main reason why these type of corruption has deep-rooted is neglegance,people like you ,just take your salary and go... people with this calibre shoule stay away from commenting...enough is enough….. we call this day light robbery….and those people who are responsible for these types of corruption should be brought to justice. Wake up my friend ball is at your court….

Anonymous said...

Mr chock hassanakee bodu vagen. Ehenmefahun singapore ah kuridhathurugaves US$10,000.00 ge cuteh negi n Hayles kiyaa srilanka ge company athun eythah haas dollars eh vanee athulaafa mikamuga Amnir (Hondey) Zahir (Bokarey) ahves laari dhinkamah ve adhi Hassan (Choko Hassan) vanee minunves eytah gothakan cut gahsaafa.He is a real Bastard n have to responsible for all three gensets, transformer,busbar.he is one of the highly curuppted person in MACL. He is an electrical engineer Digree negunee diyathaa 3 aharun dhen visnaalaa mihaage fenvaru. Power house hingan eykaseegenvaameehen noon. Karantuga jehifa marunuvee kiriyaa. Mr Choko Hassan akee Power House ge halaaku. Varah avahah ginameehunthaken kedigen daane thibey balan.

Anonymous said...

މިހާރު އިންޖީނުގެ އާއިހަވާލުވެގެން އުޅޭ ޗޮކޮ ހަސަނުގެ އެއްމެއިސްކަމެއްދީގެން ކުރައްވާކަމަކީ އެތާގެ އެއްމެ ދަށްފަންތީގެ ވަޒީފާތަކުގައިއުޅޭ މުވަށްޒިފުންގެތެރެއިން ޕްލާންޓް އޮޕަރޭތަރުން މަސައްކަތް ކުރާގޮތްބަލަން ސީނިއަރ މޭޚޭނިކުންގެތެރޭން މަކަރާއި ހީލަތް ހެދުމަށާއި،ދޮގު އޯޓީރިޕޯޓު ތައްޔާރުކުރުމުގެރޮގުން ޑިގުރީއެއް ހައްދަވައިގެން ހުންނެވި (އެމީހުންކިއާގޮތުންނަމަ) ސަރުކާރުގެވަކީލު ދޮންބެ ލައްވާ ފާރަލައިގެންބެލުމެވެ. ދޭތެރެދޭތެރެއިން މިއޮޕަރޭޓަރުން އޮފީހަށްހާޒިރުކޮށް އެކިއެކިއިންޒާރުދިނުމާއި ކިރިޔާކަމެއްފެންނައިރަށް އޮފީހަށްގެންގޮސް ސޮއިކުރުވާ ހަދަމުންދަނީ މީއެޅައިގެ އަމިއްލަ ތަރިކަ ކަމުގައި ދެކިގެނެވެ. މީހަދައިގެން ދަކާވާހަކައެއް ނޫންކަން ސާބިތުކޮށްދިނުމުގެ ގޮތުން މިރިޕޯޓްދެއްވި ބޭފުޅާ ދެއްވި ނަމްބަރުން ވާހަކަދެއްކެވި އެސެކުސަނުގެ އެހެންބޭފުޅަކުވެސް އެއްބަސް ވެލެއްވިއެވެ.ނަމަވެސް އެހެންބުނީ ނަންހާމަ ނުކުރާނެކަމުގެ ޔަގީންކަން ދިނީމައެވެ. އެބުނާ ސަރުކާރުގެ ވަކީލު ދަންވަރު ގެ ވަގުތުގައިވެސް ޕެނަލަށް ވަދެ ޑިއުޓީގައި އުޅެނީ ކޮންބައެއްތޯބަލާ ގޮޑީގައި ނިދިތާއްޔެއް ޖެހިފައި ބައެއްބޭފުޅުންތިއްބައި ވީދިއޯ ހަދައިގެން އެކިއެކި ކޮމްޕިއުޓަރ ސިސްޓަމް ތަކަށްލައިގެން އުޅޭކަމަށްވެސް ޚަބަރުލިބެއެވެ.ނަމަވެސް މިމީހުންނަކީ ކުރިން ލުބުރިކޭސަންއެސިސްޓެންޓަކަށް އުޅުނު މީހަކު ފަރުވާކުޑަވެގެން ޑިއުޓީބައިން ޑޭޑިއުޓީއަށް ބަދަލުކޮށްގެން ވަރަށްގިނަބައެއްގެ އޯޓީ ކުރުމުގައި ބޭނުންކުރާ މީހެއްކަމަށްވެއެވެ.ހުކުރު ހޮނިހިރު ގައި ނުވަތަ ސަރުކާރު ބަންދު ދުވަސްތަކުގައި މިބުނި މީހާ އާއި އެކު ކޮންމެވެސް އެކަކު (ދޮންބެ ހަމަޖައްސާ) ނިކުމެ ކޮއްމެވެސް ކަމެއް ކޮށްލައިގެން ދެންތިބޭ އެއްމެންގެ އޯޓީ އޮޓޮމެޓިކުން ލިބޭގޮތަށް މަސައްކަތްރާވާ ހިންގަނީ މިދޮންބެ ކަމަށް ވެއެވެ. ވީމާ ކަންކަން ބަލަން ނިކުންނަނަމަ ފުރަތަމަ ތިމާގެ އަމަލް ތައް ސީދާކޮށް ރަގަޅުކުރަންގެހޭކަންކަން ރަގަޅުކޮށްފަ ދެން ފާރަ އަށް ނިކުނެވުމަށް އެބޭފުޅާ އިލްތިމާސް ކުރިއެވެ.

Anonymous said...

Ali Hashim thi generator balan fonuvi nama rangalhu vaane, mihaa thanah enme baraabaru equipment airport ah genesdheefa othee eyna balaafa checkkohgen, ey enme airport koshi eru dhuvaskolhu eyna gos Singapooorun genai boaburi thah, ehen ve mibunanee eyna fonuvaifihyaa rangalhu vaane ey

Anonymous said...

chock hassan , kaley foni kadamun, thimaavaru meeheh nethigen mulhi Airport gai bumareh heh eburunu dhuvas kobaa. akley gabool kuraa gothugai kaley varu molhu meeheh neiy. kalayah kamudhaa ekakuves neiy, kaley bunaane karaa sharee ey katu naganee, kaley thinaganee commision dho, kaley balaa check kohfai genai gen set thah kuhliyakah sifabadhalu veetha.. chockey fokey nukiya, dhoni mathee thahtumahchah thun haraa laigen innas nubunaane thee molhu meehekey, hathakaaves dhehkun therikan... FADA BOVIJJE NUN

Anonymous said...

Y does DO always writes of Airport, isnt there other places which have such stories, or is it only in Airport we have ppl who supply the articles, this is really bad, its killing our reputation, out of the 1800 staff in MACL most of them are clean and love the place, so dont say that we all are corrupt, just give time for our new CEO to change the place, and please keep politics out of our organisation to keep it clean.

Anonymous said...

ހަސަނެއް ކަމަކު ދެން ބަލާކަށް ހުރެވޭކަށް ނެތެވެ.މަގޭލައްވާ ކުރުވި މަސައްކަތުގެ ފުރިހަމަ އަގު ނުދީފިއްޔާ ދެން އަލިފުން ޔާޔަށް ލިޔާނަމެވެ.މިހާރު ކަލޭއަތުގަ ޑޮލަރުހުންނާނެއެވެ.ކުރިއަށް އޮތް1 ހަފްތާގެ މުހުލަތު ކަލެއަށް ދީފީމެވެ.އާ އެހެން ބުނާނެއްނު ރިސޯޓުތަކުގަ މަސައްކަތް ކުރުވާފަ ހަނދާން ނެތުނީކަމަށް ހަދައިގެން އަދި އެބަހުރެއެއްނު.މިއަދިކީ 15/08/2008 ވީމާ މިއީ ލުއިއިންޒާރެއްކަމުގައި ބެލިއަސް ރަނގަޅު...ޕަވަރ ހައުސްގެ މުއައްޒަފެއް

Anonymous said...

yes, i am sure that people who write this sort of muck are power hungry. they are people with a narrow mindset who like you, do not do any real work in the airport. rather your types will always find fault with any and all arrangements made for your types and would shy away from work. the only things people like you know to do are to find ingenious ways of not doing what you guys are employed to do and spend time either having coffee, or talking about other people and events and smoking and walking around the airport.

Have a good look around aqua or movenpick or mariyaad and then make a determination. you will find the same group of people day in day out doing exactly what is said. these are the people who destroy the airport by being biased and blind to their responsibilities and cheating the company by coming to the airport, not working and taking their salaries back home.

your types would come, clock in, then go to male and do some private work, come back , have coffee, smoke, talk some , go to the work place and do some private work, and go home, and come on fridays and saturdays also without fail, and then too talk bullshit about other people. you guys dont see the shit hanging from your backsides?

do you guys think by diverting attention to other people your type of people can escape the scrutiny of people who see what really goes on? then you are sadly mistaken.

can clearly list out here a number of people who fall into this category. lets wait for that.

Anonymous said...

CEO watchout, these guys want to distroy the relationship which you keep with people who try to give support to you, all these days they talk of Ali Hashim, but still he is strong and with you, and now they want to create problem with junior staff under Ali Hashim, thinking that they will get get fedup of the company and leave. Some people in the top management is very worried of those staff who work for the good of the company. So they want to use these cheap ways to distroy the degnity of those staff amoung other MACL staff, but I am sure they want win, and in the end the loyal team will succeed. This is our company.

Anonymous said...

Coment to rima

So you think that you are broad minded person.
Can you answer these questions
Is it fair to see people get a shield for 20 years working loyal to this company without a promotion?
Is it fair to see un educated bastards enrolled in civil maintenance unit as a clerk ,just because his father is famous “lhen kiyaa” maalhohu majdhy from drp?
Is it fair to see those who are caught red handed stealing from passenger luggage go freely and continue his stealing process?
There are certain units that are audit by certain international parties,but was unable to bring to there demands due to negligence of section heads
Most of the people who doe crime in the company have direct links with the so called corrupted bosses.
Im inviting u to visit hulhumale just to witness the so called bosses enjoy there coffe brake.This shows the atmosphere of the airport,
Don’t blame for the people who writes and comments are narrow minded or power hungry , I bet you these are the real people who run the airport,and these are very technical guys. They are frustrated and hopeless, they don’t want to see this type corruption take place in there very eyes.
Cheers my friend , have a coffee @ movinpick

Anonymous said...

Dont make me laugh
Ali hasim the most corrupted guy in the history os maldivian aviation history, right hand man of bodu hee hee, this guy is telling that he have know idea of 12 million, feulling station lying at the junk yard for 1 month, mr katey why are u in a hurry to install a feulling station at tma and airtaxi, when they have to to move to a nother locaton very soon. This is what we called day light roberry. Once they move again company has to relocate, another project, another deal,keep going ... this is the order of the day. enjoy my friend, you guys are above the law.

Anonymous said...

coffee, you are a typical airport guy who does not work and always talk about other people. people like you will always like to create discontent in your place of work, and will never take part in work place joint activities. you guys feel you are entitled to perks and have no idea that it is hard work that leads to promotions and shields and so on.

you will try to create an atmosphere of mistrust and confusion because people like you can only thrive in that sort of environment. for people like you nothing goes well anywhere, whether it is your place of work, with colleagues, with family or friends and the society in general.

you are sick to the core. there are quite a few people like you who are creating all trouble but nothing else. what yo have written are typical complaints of people like you. why dont you go to your place of work and try to work hard and diligently and create harmony in your work place so you can also get a shield.

or compare the work you do and compare the work your so called uneducated bastard does. i am sure he would not be like you and he would work hard where as you will walk around from canteen to coffee shop with phone in ears and would not do any constructive work other than talk.

or why dont you take that extra effort and complete what your so called international audit asked of your place of work rather than blaming others. is it not your responsibility too to help make things happen. to be part of the work place and be a team player?

you yourself invite people for a coffee in movenpick so whats wrong in someone having a coffee break??? why does stuff happen to be good when you do it and not when others do?? what sort of talk is this>>>///

now people who read this will know what sort of people you are..............

Anonymous said...

just see the pictures and give me an answer my friend, do you think that we will stay idle and see these types of corruption takes place, fuck you....we will bring down guys like you who dosent have eyes and ears to knees. lets have cofee my friend.

Anonymous said...

RIMA,,,, who do u think you are? are you corrupted too? What makes you so sad or worried when some one is been called bodu katay? Would you let your wife to sleep with one of these katay's? Do you know Shiyama and Shaheema? How do u think they became directors of the company? Do you have any clue how hard they tried to get their post?What's your interests? Are you in love with one of these katay's? The GOAT is he a katay?
The BANDAY is he a katay?
The CHOK is he a katay?
The HONDAY is he a katay?
The HASHIM is he a katay?
Tell me, Boa kalhu kuraa katay who is he?
Bodu bandu katay,who is he?
Cow boy katay, who is he?
African katay, who is he?
Float katay, who is he?
Vaki laari katay, who is he?
License dhay katay, who is he?
Addu katay,who is he?
Thaaru katay,who is he?
Kaashi goani katay,who is he?
Choh kanda katay, who is he?
Bokaru katay,who is he?
Stetic katay,who is he?
Fisherman katay,who is he?
Jaymu katay,who is he?
Black magic katay,who is he?
Kanfaiy foruvi katay,who is he?
Safety katay,who is he?
Recreation katay, who is he?
Neena katay,who is he?
Bangaalhu katay,who is he?
Religh bicycle katay,who is he?

'who is the real katay?'

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Somebody has said that Mr. Moosay Solih took kickbacks from the Generator. Thats true. You can check it out at his bank account in Sri Lanka that was opened only for that purpose.

yes I paid Mr. Hassan 60,000.00 dollars to accept the building, I did so cos he wouldn't budge an inch on the plant accecptance, because the sri lankan supplied gensets were not functional. I was offered this proposal by Mr. x at the Technical Services. I did it.

Lanka Haleys supplied the Gensets. Mark my words. They paid Mr. Solih. The gensets were not functional. They also tipped off Snow International. They now wants their hands off the project. They were last know to be speaking with your finance director. on a way forwand.

Anonymous said...

kalo mi blog thakaa hedhy airport ge verin thah oriyaan vehjje, dhen fennaany filan dhuvaa than, hahahaha, sukuriyya sappay.

Anonymous said...

The Real kattey is BODUKATE, and Rifau is assisting him, so Rifau also get CUT from Him, Rifau supports Bodukatey because he also learned the CUT business. Great airport with Great people and thinking..FUCK U GUYS

Anonymous said...

Hi rima, read this and comment pls, peolple like u should be brave enough to see what is happening around you,wake up and face the reality...... Two of three generators powering Malé International Airport and the rest of Hulhulé Island since 2006 have broken down, raising the risk of an airport blackout, the CEO of the Maldives Airports Company Limited (MACL) has said.

The island is currently running on just one of the three new generators, plus older generators intended to be used as backup.

“We have a history of problems with these three generators. I am not very confident with the third one either,” CEO Mohamed Amir told Minivan News.

The three new generators had cost “a few million dollars,” Amir said, though MACL would not provide an exact figure.

The airport is vital to the Maldives’ lucrative tourism industry, which directly produces 30 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP). The vast majority of tourists arrive through Malé.

The island currently requires about 5.5 megawatts (MW) of power, but the sole functioning new generator provides just 2.5MW. The old generators only provide about 4MW, meaning they cannot power the island alone.

“Without the required backup, part of the airport may be disconnected. But we still have power for the critical part of the airport,” Amir said.

The future for the airport’s power supply appears uncertain as MACL has not yet decided whether to continue trying to repair the generators, or replace them.

The three new generators were purchased through Sri Lankan company Hayleys in 2006, after the firm secured the contract through a tendering process, but were manufactured by international company MAN Diesel Group.

They have posed problems since arriving, say the CEO and board members of MACL, which is wholly owned by the Maldivian government.

There have been “engineers on site almost all the time,” according to board member Moosa Solih. Yet MACL is still unsure of the nature of the problem, which they say neither MAN nor Hayleys has encountered before.

“Replacement is the last option, only if we don’t have any other choices,” Solih said. Meanwhile, Amir said the company would consider hiring replacement generators temporarily, but generators with enough capacity were unlikely to be available in Maldives.

“We are ready to look at the legal provisions and so on. But our first priority is a reliable power supply,” said Amir.

Hayleys was also part of the Namira consortium, which was sued by the Maldivian government for failing to complete work on the Outer Islands Electrification Project financed by a US $8 million Asian Development Bank loan.

Namira, which headed the consortium, is owned by ex-State Electricity Company (STELCO) official and MP, Ahmed Nazim. But the government’s case against the companies collapsed in January after the civil court ruled the consortium had no legal existence.

MACL board member Ibrahim Noordeen, who has joined since the contract was made, said: “Why buy generators through a Sri Lankan company? We have so many generators in the Maldives, so much experience.”
regards from coffee.Lets go to movinpick

Anonymous said...

The person who did a degree in Bangaalhu, was the guy who assisted Mr chok on 4th face project.He was the representative of Mr chok, who arranged everything in the new power house on behalf of chok. He started his own business after the face 4 project.Where does he got the finance to start a business?

Coffee break.

Anonymous said...

You know what? My coffee break started today at 0800 and ended around 1945 and i felt real good. Now i know how good amost mouthpussies in airport feel..... hehehehe lets go for another coffee break to movinpick!!!!! this is the way to work and contribute.....

Anonymous said...

ބުނަންތަ ރަނގަޅު ވާހަކައެއް ހަލާނަގަނަގަ ތިބެންޖެހޭނީ އޯޓީވެސް،އެހެން ކަންކަންވެސް ކުރާނީ އަހަރެން ބޭނުން ގޮތަކަށް ކިތައްމެ ވަރަކަށް ލިއުނަސް ކުރެވޭނެކަމެއް ނޯން ނާނެ.ދެން ތިޅާ ފަޑަބޮއިގެން ވާރެ ފެން ބޮއި ރުޅި އައިސްގެން ތިއުޅެނީ މަކުރާކަމެއްތަ ޑިއުޓީގަ ތިބެންޖެހެނީ ތީތިއާލާތުންގެ ވަޒީފާކަންވެސް ނޭގޭވަރުގެ ގަމާރުން ވީމަ ވާނީވެސް ތިކަހަލަގޮތެއް ސޯލިޙް ބުނީ ރަނގަޅު ވާހަކައެއް ޕުރަމޯޝަން ކަލޭމެނަށް ދެންޏާ ތިތާހުރި ހުރިހާ ގަސްގަހަށްވެސް ޕްރަމޯޝަން ދޭން ޙައްޤު ދެން ގުލްރޫ ގެންގުޅޭނީވެސް އޯޓީ ހަދާނީވެސް ކަލޭމެނަށް އޯޓީ ދޭންވެސް ނުދޭންވެސް ތިބީ ބަލަ މަށޭ ހޭބަލިވެފަތަ ތިތިބީ މަގޭ ކާރު ދުއްވާތީވެސް ސެކިއުރިޓީއަށް އަންގައިގެން ކަމެއް ވިތަ؟ބަލައާދަނާ ކަލޭޖެހޭނީ ހަނޑަން އަންގާނެތަނަކަށް އަންގައަންގަ ޖެހޭނީ ތިބެން ސިފްޓް ބަދަލު ކޮށްގެން ކަލޭތިއުލެނީ ދެން ކަލޭ ކުރިން އުޅުނުގޮތަށް އުޅެބަލަ މަހުންނާނަން ބަލަން ކަލެއަށް ހުސޭނުކައިރީ ރިމޯޓު ހިފައިގެން ހުސޭނު އެބުރިއަކަސް މިހާރު ތިމީހާ އެއް ނޭބުރޭނެ ކަލޭޓެސްޓް ހަދަން ހިލަބެ ތެޔޮފުޅިދީފަ ފޮނުވާ އަހަރެމެން ނަކާ ނުކުޅެވޭނެ ހަނދާން ކޮށްބަލަ އައްބާސް ބުންޏެންނު ފާޑުފާޑުގެ މީހުން އުޅޭނޭ...ދެން ބޮގަބޮގަ....

Anonymous said...

Bodukatey aai Ban'du Shafeeq aai Masood (kiburey) mithin vagun mulhi airport dhiruvaalan vegen konme dhuvahaku Hulhumaley gai sahlaa kuramundhaathaa mihaaru dhuvasthakeh vehje.

Mithin vagunge sahlaathakuge aleegai mihaaru Airport CIP Lounge hedhumah ves mibai gandu beynun bayakah dheygotha hamajehemun dhaakamah jinni force khabaru dhey.

Adhi GOLHABO ah tha'eedhu hoadhumuge gothun mihaaru airport gai vaki faraathehge liyumehkan neygey form thakehves GOLHAABO ah sajidha jahaabayaku lahvaa furumuge masahkai ves kuramun ebadhey...

Anonymous said...

Bodukatey mihaaruves mulhi Airportuge Running Mate akah gamaareh kahala thandhoru neygey CUT 'UBE'laigen maintenance ge dhashun hingamundhaa Civil Works aai Carpentry Unit ves ehkala gamaaru dhiulhieh nuvaa Ube aai havaalu kohgen thiya ulhenee hama kaley beynun gothakah Airport hingeyne kamah utha?

E ee gamaaru Ube kaley bunaa konme ehchakah "aadhe" "aadhe" "aadhe" kiyamun sajidha jahaathee utha? ekamaku thiyaee boduvareh..dhen thiya gothah Bodukatey ah mi Airport hingeyne mee enme fahuge dhuvaskolhu hadhaan kuraathi. Fisaari kulhi dhahkaalaanan.

Mihaaru Massood kaleyaa kithanme kaireegai ulhunas magey kaireegai Katey kaleyey kiyaigen haadha bavaey.ekamaku e eekee mahsalaeh noon ok.

Bodukatey ah rangalhu vaanee konmeves dhimaalakun namaves Massood ves Laari gan'den kaalaane gotheh raavaidhinihyaa........