މިދިޔަ މެއި 25 ވަނަ ދުވަހު ވެރިންނާއި އާދައިގެ ނިކަމެތިންނަށް ވަރަށް ތަފާތު ބޮޑުގޮތަކަށް (ބޮޑުންނަށް ބޮޑުކޮށް) މުސާރަ ބޮޑުކުރަން ނިންމާފައިވަނިކޮށް އަހަރުމެން ޑީއޯ ގައި އެކަން އެގޮތަށް ނުކޮށް ވަގުތުން ހުއްޓުމަށް ކުރި އިލްތިމާސަށް އިޖާބަދީ އެކަން އެގޮތަށް ނުކޮށް ހުއްޓުވީތީ ކަލެއަށް ވަރަށް ޝުކުރު އަދާކުރާވާހަކަ ދަންނަވަމެވެ. އަހަރުމެންނަކީ ރަގަޅަށް ކަމެއްކޮށްފިނަމަ ޝުކުރު އަދާކުރަން ދަންނަ ބަޔަކީމެވެ. އެކަމަކު ބުނަންހެއްޔެވެ. ކަލެއަށް ދީފައިވާ މުއްދަތަށް ވަރަށް ބޮޑަށް ސަމާލުވެ ހުންނާށެވެ. އަހަރުމެން ދީފައިއޮތް މުއްދަތަކީ އެދުވަހުގެ ލިއުމުގައިވެސް ވާނޭފަދައިން ޖުލައި މަހުގެ ނިޔަލަށެވެ. ޖުލައިމަސް ނިމުމުގެ ކުރިން މުސާރަ އޮނިގަނޑަށް ރަގަޅަށް ވިސްނުމަށްފަހު ސޭކްޝިޔާމް ކަހަލަ ރުނޑިންގެ ޓީމެއް ބައިވެރިނުކޮށް ތިތަނުން ތަންކޮޅެއް ރަގަޅުބަޔަކު ހޮވައިގެން ނޫނީ ކުރިން ބުނެފައިވާގޮތަށް ތަންދޮރު ނުދަންނަނަމަ ދަންނަބަޔަކު ބޭރުންގެނެސްގެންނަމަވެސް ހަމަހަމަ އިންސާފުވެރި އުސޫލަކުން މުސާރަބޮޑުކުރުމުގެ ކަންތައްކޮށް ނިންމާށެވެ. ތަންކޮޅެއް އާދައިގެ ބަހުރުވަޔަކުން ލިޔަންމިޖެހެނީ ތިއީ ގޮޅާބޯގެ ސަރުކާރުގެ އިސްމީހުންނަށްވާތީ ވޭތުވެދިޔަ ޒަމާންތަކުގައި ކަލޭމެންނަށް ކުރުނީސްކޮށް މީހުން އުޅެންޖެހުމުގެ ސަބަބުން ލިބިފައިވާ އަބުއި ކަމަކާހުރެ ރީތިކޮށް ބުނާނަމަ ސޭކްޝިޔާމް މެންކަހަލަ ސިގިރެޓްގެ އަޅިކަނޑާލަންވެސް ކަމުނުދާވަރުގެ ބޯގޯސް މީހުންނަށް ވިސްނައިގަންނަން ތަންކޮޅެއް ފަސޭހަވާނެތީއެވެ. އަހްމަދު އަބްދުﷲ ގެ ބޮލަށް ސިގިރެޓް ނިއްވާލެވުނަސް ތިއެއްޗެތީގެ އެވަރު ނުހުންނާނެކަން އަހަރުމެންނަށް ރަގަޅަށް އެގޭތީއެވެ.
ކަލެއަކީ އަލަށް އައި މީހަކަށްވާތީ އަދި އެއަޕޯޓަށް އާވާނެއެވެ. ކަލޭ ތިތާގަ ހަމަޖެހިގެން އުޅެވޭނޭގޮތްވެސް ކިޔާދޭން ކޮންމެވެސް ވަރަކަށް ބޭނުންވެސް ވެއެވެ. އެގޮތުން އެކަން ކުރުމުގެ ވިސްނުމެއް ގެންގުޅެން ބޭނުންނަމަ ކުރަންޖެހޭ އެންމެ މުހިންމުކަމަކީ ތިތަނުން ބައެއް ޑިރެކްޓަރުން ވަރަށް އަވަހަށް ވަކިކޮށްލުމެވެ. ނޫނީ އަވަހަށް އެހެން ކޮންމެވެސް އޮފީހަކަށް ބުރުވާލުމެވެ. ނުކެރިފައި ހުންނަންވީ އެއްވެސް ސަބަބެއް ނެތެވެ. މިވާހަކައަކީ ކަލޭވެސް ހެޔޮހިތުން ގަބޫލުކުރާނޭކަމެކެވެ. އެގޮތުން ވަކިރަންޖެހޭ ޑިރެކްޓަރުންގެ ނަންތައް ތަރުތީބުން ލިޔެލާނަމެވެ. 1- ސޭކްޝިޔާމް (30 އަހަރުން މެނޭޖްމަންޓް ބޮއްސުންލައްވާލި ސޭކް) 2- ބޮޑުކަޓޭ (ތަނެއްދޮރެއް ބަލާނުލާ އެންމެގިނަ ފެންނަފަށުގައި ބޭކާރު ޚަރަދުކުރާ ބޮޑުވަގު) 3- ބަޑުސައްޕޭ (ހުރިހާޕްރޮޖެކްޓްތަކުން ލާރިމަޅާ) 4- މޮޓަ އިބްރޭ (ކަޓްނެގުމުގައި ހައްދެއްނެތް އޮޕަރޭޝަންސް ހަލާކުކުރާ ކޮފީ ބުއިމާއި ފޯނުކުރުން ނޫންއެހެންކަމެއްނެތް) 5- ގޯޓް ސޯލިހު އަމިއްލަ ފިހާރައިން އޮފީހަށް ތަކެތިވިއްކާ ކަޓްނެގުމުގައި ހައްދެއްނެއް.
އަދި މިވަގުތަށް ކަލެއަށް ހަދާންކޮށް ދޭންޖެހޭ ކަންތައްތަކެއް އެބަހުއްޓެވެ. އެކަމަކު ހުރިހާކަމެއް އެއްފަހަރާ ކިޔާންދޭންވެއްޖެ ނަމަ ހަދާންނެތުމަކީ އެކަށީގެންވާކަމެކެވެ. އެހެންނަމަވެސް ކޮންމެވެސް ވަރެއްގެ ކަންތައްތަކެއް ކިޔާދެވިދާނެއެވެ. އެއީ މުއްޒިފުންގެ މެދުގައި އޮންނަ ތަފާތު ކުރުމާއި، ނަސްލީ އިމްތިޔާޒްގެ ގޮތްތައް ކުޑަކުރަންވީއެވެ. ބޭކާރު ޚަރަދު ނުކުރަންވީއެވެ. ކޮންމެ ޅާއިއަކަށް އަގުބޮޑުވެހިކަލްދީގެން ތެޔޮއަޅައަޅައިގެން ހުޅުމާލޭގައާއި އެހެނިހެން ތަންތާ ބިޓުން އަރުވައިގެން މިހާ ތެލުގެ އަގު މައްޗަށް ގޮސްގެން އުޅޭ ދުވަސްވަރެއްގައި ކަލޭ ބަލަން ޖެހޭނެ އެއްނުންހެއްޔެވެ. ބަޑުސައްޕޭ ސައިބޯން ހުޅުމާލެއަށް ދާންޖެހޭ ސަބަބެއް އަހަރުމެންނަކަށް ނުވިސްނެއެވެ. އެހެން މުއައްޒިފުންވެސް ސައިބޮނީ ހިގާފަ ގޮސް ތިތާހުންނަ ތަންތަނުންނެވެ. ޑިރެކްޓަރުންގެ ތެރެއިންވެސް ވަކިބަޔަކަށް ހުޅުމާލެއަށް ދެވޭ އިރު އަނެއްބަޔަކަށް ނުދެވެއެވެ. މިމީހުން މިގޮތަށް އިސްރާފްކުރާ އިރު މީކީ އަމާ ބަފާގެ ތަރިކައެއް ނޫނެވެ. އެ އަރައިގަންނަނީ ދިވެހި ރައްޔިތުންގެ ހައްގަކަށެވެ. އެއްގޮތަކަށްވެސް މުހަންމަދު އިބްރާހީމް ހެދިހެން ތިމީހުން ފުއްޕާފަ އުޅުވިޔަ ދީގެންނުވާނެއެވެ. އެކަމަކު މިބުނީ މުހައްމަދު އިބްރާހީމްއަކީ މިހާރު ތިތަނަށް ފިޓްމީހަކަށްވާނެވާހަކައެއް ނޫނެވެ. އެކަމަކު ސޮޑާބޭގެ ބޮލަށް ތިތާ ގޮތްބޮޑުކޮށްގެން ތިއުޅޭ ޑިރެކްޓަރުން އަރައިގަތްގޮތަށް ކަލޭ ވިޔަ ނުދެއްޗެވެ. ސޮޑާބޭގެ އެއްވެސް ކުށެއްނެތެވެ. އެސޮރުގެ މައްސަލައަކީ އޭނަޔަށް ވާނުވާނޭގި ނާޖާއިޒް ކަންތައް ކުރުމެވެ. ސައިބޯންގޮސް ސޮޑާބޭއާ ދިމާލަށް އެއްޗެތި ކިއުން ނޫން އެހެންކަމެއް ތިތާއުޅޭ ޑިރެކްޓަރުންގެ ނޯވެއެވެ. މިހާރު އެގޮތަށް ކަލެއާދިމާލަށްވެސް އެއްޗެތިކިޔަންފަށައިފިއެވެ. ތިތާތިބީ މުޅިން ކޮރަޕްޓްވެފައިވާ ކުންފުންޏަށް އެއްވެސް ކުލުނެއް ހުރި ޑިރެކްޓަރުންތަކެއް ނޫނެވެ.
ކުރާ ތާކުންތާކު ނުޖެހޭ ޚަރަދުގެ ބޮޑުކަން ތިއޮފީހުން ނިކުންނައިރު ރީދޫ ކުލައިގެ ދަގަޑު ތަބުޖަހާ މާމޮޅު އެއްޗަކުން ހިޔާކޮށްފައިވާ ވޯކްވޭ ގިޑިގެއިންވެސް ފެންނާނެއެވެ. މިހާރު އެތަންހަލާކުވެގެން މުރަނަވެގެން ފައިބަނީއެވެ. އެތަނަށް ޚަރަދުކޮށްފައިވަނީ ކިތައްލައްކަ ރުފިޔާތޯ ކަލޭ ނިކަން ބަލާލަބަލާށެވެ. އެދުވަސްވަރުވެސް މިވާހަކަ ޑީއޯ މެދުވެރިކޮށް ހަދާންކޮށްދީފައިވާނެއެވެ. އެއްކޮޅުން ހަދާނުނިމެނީސް އަނެއްކޮޅުން ހުރީ މަރާމާތުކުރަންޖެހިފައެވެ. އެއްވެސް ޕްލޭނެއް ނެތި ތަންތަން ރާނާ އަނެއްދުވަހު ތަޅާލަނީ ކިތައް ތަންހެއްޔެވެ. މިހުރިހާ ކަމެއްކޮށްފަ އެއްކަލަ ނިކަމެތި ކުއްޔަށް އުޅޭ މުއައްޒަފުންގެ އޯޓީ ކަނޑާލީމާ ޚަރަދު ކުޑަވަނީކަމަށް ކަލޭ އެއްގޮތަކަށްވެސް ހީނުކުރާށެވެ. އެއްވެސް ކަމެއްނުކޮށް ނަގޫބަޅުމެން ގޭގައި ކުޅެންތިބޭއިރުވެސް އެއްބަޔަކަށް އޯޓީ ލިބޭއިރު އާދައިގެ މީހުންގެ އޯޓީ ކަޑާލާކަށް ނަގޫބަޅުމެން ލަދެއްވެސް ނުގަނެއެވެ. މިކަލަ ކަންތައް ކޮށްގެން މުވައްޒަފުން ތިތަނަށް ގެއްލުންތަކެއް ދޭންފަށައިފިނަމަ އެދޭ އޯޓީގެ ދިހަގުނަ ގެއްލުންވެދާނެކަމަކަށް ނަގޫބަޅުމެން ހީނުކުރެއެވެ. ދުނިޔޭގަ ލެއްވި އެއްވެސް ކަމެއްނުކޮށް ކުންފުނި ހަލާކު ކުރަމުންދާއިރު މިމީހުން ގޭގައި ތިބެގެން އެނަގާ އޯޓީ ހަމަ މިހާރުން މިހާރަށް ކަޑާލަންއުޅޭށެވެ. އެހެން ނޫނީ އަހަރުމެންނަށްވެސް އޯޓީ ފިކްސް ކުރާށެވެ. މޯބައިލް ފޯންގެ ކަންތައްވެސް ހަމައެފަދައެވެ. ތިތާއުޅޭ އެއްވެސް ކަމެއްނެތް ޔުނިޓް ހެޑުންތަކަކަށްވެސް ފޯން ފައިސާ ދެއެވެ. އެބަޅުން ކުރާކަމެއް ހަރާމެވެ. އަދި ކަރަޕްޓް ވެފައިވާ ޑިރެކްޓަރުންތައް ފޯންކުރުމުގެ ހައްދެއް ނޯވެއެވެ. މޯބައިލަށް ފަނަރަހާހުން ވިހިހާހުން ޚަރަދުކުރާއިރު މީ ކަލޭ ވިސްނާލަންޖެހޭ ކަންތައްތަކެވެ. މިމީހުން މިކުރަން އުޅެނީ ފިރުއައުނު ކުރިކަލަ ވެރިކަމެކެވެ.
އެހެންވީމާ މަތިމަތިން މިއަލިއަޅުވާލި ކަންތަކަށް ސަމާލުކަންދީ ޖުލައިމަސް ނިމުމުގެ ކުރިން ރަގަޅުގޮތަކަށް މިހާރުގެ ތަކެތީގެ އަގާއި ކުއްޔަށާ ބެލުމަށްފަހު ވީހާވެސް މުއައްޒަފުންނަށް ރަގަޅުވާނޭގޮތެއްގެ މަތިން މުސާރަ ބޮޑުކުރުމުގެ ކަންތައް ނިންމަން އުޅޭށެވެ. މިފަހަރުވެސް ހަދާންކޮށް މިދެނީ ކަރަޕްޓްވެފައިވާ ޑިރެކްޓަރުންނަށް ބޮޑުކޮށްފައި ނިކަމެތިންނަށް ކުރިން ހަދަން އުޅުނުގޮތަށް ހެދިޔަ ނުދެއްޗެވެ. އެހެންހަދައިފިނަމަ ކަލެއަށް މިކަމުގެ ހިތިކަން ދައްކާލަދޭނަމެވެ. ކަލޭވެސް ވަރަށް ދޮގުހަދަން ދޮތައެވެ. މިހެން އަހާލީ ހަމަ ނޫސްވެރިޔަކު ސުވާލު ކޮށްލާއިރަށް އެވަގުތު ސަލާމަތްވުމަށް ވަރަފަސޭހައިން ދޮގެއްހަދާލާފައި ބަޗަނީ ދޯއެވެ. އަހަރުމެންނަށް އެކަން އެގެއެވެ. ޓާމިނަލް އެރައިވަލް ހޯލުގައިވާ އެކްސް ރޭ މެޝިންތަކާ ބެހޭގޮތުން ސުވާލުކުރުމުންވެސް ބަލާލަ ދައްކާފަ ހުރިވާހަކަ، އަދި މިދާކަށް ދުވަހު މިލިޓްރީ ޓްރޭނިންގ ސެކިއުރިޓީ މުވައްޒަފުން ލައްވާ ހައްދާތީވެ ކުރި ސުވާލަކަށް ޖަވާބުދެމުން އެތާ ޑޮކްޓަރަކުވެސް ބަހައްޓާފައި ހުންނާނެޔޭ މެޑިކަލްވެސް ޓްރޭނިންގ ފެށުމުމުގެ ކުރިން ހަދަމޭ ކަލޭކެ އަމާގެ ފުޔޭ މިހެން ކީމެންނުންހެއްޔެވެ. އަހަރުމެން ކަލޭމެން ގަންނަގަނޑު ވަރަށްކައިރިން ބަލަން މިތިބެނީ.. އަހަރުމެންނަށް މިފަހަރު ރަގަޅު ގޮތެއް ހަދާނުދީފިއްޔާމު ކަލޭ އަޅާ ކޮންމެ ފިޔަވަޅެއް އަހަރުމެން ބަލާނަށް އަދި ހާމަކުރާނަން.. މިހާރު މުވައްޒަފުން ގެ އޮނިގަނޑު 3 އަހަރުން ހަދާ ނިމިގެން ތޯރިޤު އެދިޔައީނުން.. މިހާރުވެސް %50 މުވައްޒަފުން އެތިބީ ޕްރޮމޯޝަން ވެސް ނުލިބި އަދިވެސް 30 އަހަރުވީ މެނޭޖްމެންޓް ހަމަ އެގޮތަށް ގޮޅާބޯއަށް ވެސް މިމައްސަލަ އަހަރުމެން ފޮނުވާނަން.... މީ ވޯޓް ދުވަސްވަރު ކަން ކަލޭ ހަނދާ ކުރާތި، އެއްފަހަރަކަށް މިހިސާބުން ކުރުކުރަމެވެ.
ޢިއްޒަތްތެރި ސީއީއޯ އެވެ. މީތި ލިޔެގައިއޮތް ޖާހިލުކަލޭގެ ފަދަ ތަންދޮރު ނުދަންނަ މީހުން ލިޔެ އުޅޭ ތަކެތި ނުކިޔާށެވެ. މަނިކުފާނަކީ އަޅުގަނޑުމެންގެ ލޯބި މިލްކުކުރަމުން މިހާރު ގެންދާ ބޭފުޅެކެވެ. އެހެންވީމާ މަނިކުފާނަށް ފެންނަ އެންމެ ރަގަޅަކަށް މުއައްޒިފުންނަށް އަޅާލުން ބަހައްޓާށެވެ. މީތި ލިޔެގެން މިއުޅެނީ ތިތާގެ ވެރިކަން ނުލިބިގެން މޮޔަބޮލަށް އަރައިގެން އުޅޭ މަރުމޯލެކެވެ. ނިކަން ހިތްވަރެއް ހުރިނަމަ އަމިއްލަ ނަންވަރުވެސްޖަހައިގެން ތެދުވެބަލާށެވެ. ތިޔަހުރި ހިތްވަރެއް އެނގިދާނެއެވެ.
ދެން އޮތީ މި ސައިޓްހިންގާ ކަލޭގެއަށް ބުނެލަން އޮތް އެއްޗެކެވެ. މިރާއްޖޭގައި ރައްޔިތުންގެ ފައިސާ ކައި،މީހުންގެ މުދަލަށް އަދި ހައްގުތަކަށް ކިތަންމެވަރަކަށް އެރިޔަސް އެމީހުންގެ ވާހަކަ މިސައިޓަށް ނާރަނީ ކިހާވަރެއްދީގެންތޯއެވެ.ތިއީ އަމިއްލަ އެދުމުން ފޯވެފައިހުރި މީހެކެވެ. ލިލީފަދަ ޑިޔުޓީ ނުދައްކައި މަކަރުވެރި ވިޔަފާރި ހިންގާމީހުންގެ ވާހަކަ ދުވަހަކުވެސް މިސައިޓަކަށްނާރައެވެ. އެއީ ކަލޭ ތިތާގައި ހުންނަން ފައިސާދޭ ތީއެވެ. އެއަރޕޯރޓް ގެ މިހާރުގެ ސީއީއޯ އަކީ މުއްސަދި ބޭފުޅަކަށް ނުވެއެވެ. ކަލެޔަށް ދޭނެ ފައިސާ ނުހުންނާނެއެވެ. އަދިކަލޭ ފަދަ މީހަކަށް މައްލާ ނާސިރުފަދައިން ވިކޭކަށް ބޭނުމެއްވެސްނުވާނެއެވެ. އެހެންވެ އާރެއް ބާރެއްނެތް މީހުންގެ ވާހަކަ މީހަކު ކޮންމެއެއްޗެއް ފޮނުވިޔަސް ތިޖަހަނީއެވެ. ނިކަން ލިލީ، ޔުނިވާސަލް، ވީބީ ޗަންޕާ ފަދަ ވިޔަފާރި ކުންފުނިތަކަށް ބަވާފަ އެއްޗެއްޖަހާބަލާށެވެ. އިހަށްދުވަހު ވިލާއިން ކަނޑާލިކުދިންގެ ވާހަކަ އެއްވެސްގޮތަކަށްނެތީ ކީއްވެ. ކަލޯ ސައްޕޭއެވެ. ވަގުތު ފާއިތުނުވަނީސް ކަލޭ ތައުބާވުމަށް ގޮވާލަމެވެ. އަލީ
Mr. Amir does not represent DRP. He is not a member of this golhaaboa party. Amir is a man who had worked against corruption. He is the man for whom we should thank for the cheap and convenient telecommunication facility in Maldives, compared with the Asian region.
If any one can correct these problems in Airport Company, Amir can do it. He has the talent and nohow to do that.
From this report it is clear and evident that the writer has his own agenda, and is not writing to correct any problem in Airport but to gain advantages for himself. He is a hypocrite and is suspending his name from public. If you have any guts and true willingness to correct Airport company, i suggest you to face the public by your own self. This is a era of independent and freedom of speech. - Nasheed
From this article the writer had identified two problems with Airport company.
1- Giving a pay increment in which seniors will be well treated than juniors.
2- Corrupt officials within the senior management.
In my view it is not professional to act in a way such that the writer had requested for the pay increment. Because in professional management there should be a reasonable gap in between the senior and junior officials.
Secondly, the problem of corruption is the primary problem the writer was unable to clarify. Corruption cannot be eliminated by reducing the pay difference in between senior and junior officials. Instead, corruption should be dealt with isolation from other factors of management.
If the pay increase is made in such a way that the junior and senior officials has a very close gap in terms of salary, then in the future Airport company will be having difficulty of getting good and professional people to these posts.
For that reason, I would advice to continue with the current salary increment plan, and meanwhile take necessary and solid actions to eliminate corruption. Ibrahim Saleem
Dr. Seyku shiyam, hama mihaaru isthiufaa dhee. Thee airport ge halaaku,30 aharuvandhen muvazifunge vazeefaage kuri erumah huras alhaa emeehunge haqqu thah nigulhai ganefaivaa meeheh. ladhunuganey tha 30 haruge filaa havaalu kuraairu ves, Trainee ge magaamu gai hui meehakah Filaa dhey iruves. STKU SHIYAM HAMA MIHAARU ISTHIUFAA DHEY. You bastard
MACL is a paradise for corruption. Under the Gan airport expansion project LAAGAN offered some ground handling equipments.Under this project many old equipments were bought for new International Airport. To Buy fuel lorries MR Bondubaiy Hameed and Motto Hareef went to UK.These guys doesn't know any thing about fueling vehicles. Upon arrivial These guys were welcomed by MD of Faclon Aviation Uk with some prostitues and handful packets of US Dollors.
So these two profesional gentleman of MACL requested that they want to buy very old fuel vehicles.So Ian French took them to few scrap yards all over the UK. and they found 1932 model VOLOVO brand fueling vehgicles used by Britishes during second word war time. they found these two vehicles would be most suitable for fueling in Gan airport. They wanted to do nice paints so they painted outside with yellow and the chasis with black. they never tested these equipments at UK.
So both profesional gentle man , bodubaiy hameed his first trip in UK enjoyed very well with Motto Hareef. their account was loaded with 1.5 million us dollor. and the equipments wre so good that after repairing 1 from two it is used in carrying diesel fuel at male international airport. Is this corruption.
my god ....corruption corruption...so you mean to say these fueling vehicles are not use in Gan airport for aviation purpose. That mean these vehiles are not suitable for aviation, and how it comes to Male international airport and carry Diesel fuel. Is diesel used for fueling aircraft. I am confused. can some one eaxplain me well. Who is Bodubaiy hameed. i know Motto Haraeef?
who wrote this unprofessional and filthy article..? Where is Massod Imad, !!!! most probably someone from his gang would have written this...otherwise everyone knows how corrupt he is..MACSTAR...DIGITAL ARCHIVING...EACH YEAR COMPUTER SYSTEMS...SOLOMON...TRAINING HIS STAFF...INFLUENCE in MAJOR TENDERS..as a comittee member...he is the real "bodu kate"...Corruption corruption and corruption. But he is Maumoons Campaign manager... no worries..he has all powers to turn anything as he wish...So "Amir"...be careful
Masood imad "A MAN FOR IT". What happen to MACSTAR copy right..HAHA HA. There is so many loop hole in this program, staff take the advantage out of it. Who blames....MACL didnot pay full amount to the progaming company (India) so they didnot gave the security features and password to amend this programe. So how can MASOOD" the true hearted campain Manager of falling regime can help us. corruption .. corruption..corruption betwwen masood's leg... every where.......BODUKATEY...BADEY PERARA ROSHAN.......SEYKU SHIYAM.....MOTTA LAHI......you guys are destroying airport
guys do you know the Bofan Sharee of K. Gaafaru. This guy look after foreign purchases. and he gets commisions from all his dealer. about 90% of commission he gets goes into BADU sAPPEY"S bank account. So BOFUN Sharee is just similar to A GOD. This guy use his private telephone to contact suppliers, UK,Germany, Singapore. He visits week ends to Singapore and the dealers arrange all expenses to him . Accomodation in Shangrila hotel Singapore and for shopping USD 8000 - 10000 per trip. He is spending a lavishing life with these comisiions
oh no shit Diesel is not use for aircraft. When i came to airport for my depture to Hanimaadhoo , six months back i have seen a yelow vehicle with no doors looks fueling truck just passing the VVIP. The same vehicle i have seen in Gan airport in 2005. so this is the vehicle brought for gan operations. corruption in airport.
އެއަރޕޯޓުގެ މައްސަލަ މިހާރު ބޮޑުވެއްޖެ. ވަރަށް ކައިރި މުސްތަޤުބަލެއްގައި މިމައްސަލަ ކޮޅުންލާނެ. މުވައްޒަފުންގެ ކުޑަހިތްވަރެއް ބޭނުންވަނީ. ދެތިންދުވަހަކު އެއާޕޯޓަށް ފްލައިޓް ނުޖައްސާއިރަށް ޤައުމާއި ރައްޔިތުންގެ މަސްލަހަތު އިޔާދަކުރެވިދާނެ. ކަލޭމެންކުދިންގެ ހައްޤުހޯދުމަށް މަސައްކަތްކުރާނީ ކަލޭމެން. ނިކަންބަލާބަލަ ޓީޗަރުން އެމީހުންގެ ހައްޤުތައް ހޯދުމަށް ރެއާދުވާލު އެއްކުރާހާ މަސައްކަތް. ހަމަޔަޤީނުން މިއަންނަމަހު އެމީހުންގެ މުސާރައިގެ މައްސަލަ ހައްލުނުކޮށްދީފިނަމަ އަނެއްކާވެސް ޓީޗަރުންގެ ހަޅުތާލާ ސަރުކާރު ކުރިމަތިލާނެ. ޓީޗަރުންނަށް ސާބަސް! އެއަރޕޯޓު މުވައްޒަފުންނަށް ހިތްވަރުދެން!
Bodukatey now asked AMIN construction to bill RF 1785,000 mega project of ALL airport Fuel project and pipe line for domestic operators. This work will start soon and airport staff will engage for this work. But this bodukatey take benifit from this work....MAY fire catches his belly
Bodukatey, falhu kihkan thigenanee kon lhaa eh tha, bala eiee koarun chaka dhamaa eh chekey. kihaa bodu museebaatheh tha... thee katu nagan bodu vareh. airport vidheyiruves thiulhenee maa abui vegen
Bodukatey hulhule kikan vegen stanley athun genai UD bodethi lorry thah kobaa tha, ethanun kithekathi dhuvitha? saabas bodukate is a man for all work. Aman for KAT. corruption ge corrupt balijehfai thithibee
Bodu katey sidibariveh tigen hukun kofai , ethabaeh nukulhadhey haalatah badalu kofai eburi ais hama bimah feybi... masahkathu meehun ves meenage vehicle ah laigen thanthanah gendhiya..aadhaige meehakah veeyo. mihaaru eyeh miyeh nubalaa katu nagamun thhera baalanee
Who took the most amount of commission from the 4th face project?
A- Moosa Solih
B- Banday Shafeeq
C- Project's Shareef
D- Honday Amir
E- Chok Hassan
F- Ali Hashim
Pls SMS the correct answer to CEO's mobile.
ATTENTION cowards none of you bastards have fucking gutts.... be very carefull when talking about people cos.without your knowledge your dead person......
take this a advice or WARNING
Bodu Kate' kobaa kaley dhiulhieh nuvaa gamaaru Ube lahvaa Male' in Jaya Cuision in CUT nagaa gothah bayaku genes departure matheegai hadhan vegen ulhunu kids corner.
Mihaaru e cuision thahves hudhu kaafoorahve husve gehlunee utha.Kate' kithanme varah Physical Planing Unit ge Ady hahdhan vegen mithaagai huri faakhaana thalhaalafa Ady ge room bodu kuriyakas Ady adhi Kate'kaleyge bolah GUI RIHPAALAANE fisaari visnaathi.Rifaa,Chokey,Fayaz,SeawidRasheed,Water Kudey,Salli Jaufaru,Seikh Ali Rizaa,Zack mihurihaa enmen ves mihaaru kaleyaa hedhi eulhenee bodu balaayakah vegen.kaley hurihaa kameh dhannaathy.thiya ee "ANMACHO" tha noon "A MAN FOR ALL UNITS" CEO Amir ves thankolheh kuree dhuvahaku Haveeru noohun kuri suvaalakah javaabu dhemun buneemennu DO gai Airport aai beheygothun liyefai hunna article thakuge 90% akee thedhukan ekamaku CEO akahves hedheyne hama ehves gotheh nethee yoala?...... ( Hssan Di )
CEO Amir akee varah hiy heyo madumaithiri akhulaaguge veri eh.ekamaku mihaaru thiya liyaa ehchkun eba heeve Bodu Kate' men adeegai thibegen raavaigen kuraa kamenhen.e ee Bodu Kate' akee meege kurin Golhabo Sarukaarah bavaafa ulhunu luhchaa eh.ekamaku mifaharu DRP ge congress ahves edhiya ee Kiburey Massood bunegen Airport bandudhashu leveytho utha? ekamaku hama hilaa aharemenge CEO Amir ah gotheh hadhaaliyaka nudheynan.dhen bunelaa hiy vanee CEO Amir kaireegai ( dhannashey, dhannaashey, bagheeney, dhannaashey)
sms fonuvaigen meehunnah birudhakkan ulhunas airport gaa hingaa corruption ge vaahaka hoadhaa haamakuramun gendheveyne. Aharumen kibaigaa varah habaru ebahuri. Adhi bunan 7872234 mi phone akee meehunnah inzaaru dhinimah beynun kuraa phone eh.
Beyhaanukulheythi badi, neyngihutta govaafaaney.....
departure terminal kuri mathee on naane arafaathu bin koleh kamah bodukatey bunaa thankolheh. E thanugai nahadhaakah thaneh neiy, furathama hedheee farumas aalaa kuraa fengadeh, eyah fahu hithgaimu park kekoh airport ge nan eburey monument ekaa ehkko, dhen fenunee Hajju mahu muslim un hila ukaaa jamraa hakala thaneh, eiee airport ge jamraa oh, ethaa vaa hatahru boalha vashaa higan veeyo. eiee bodukateyge boalha yaa, Badeyshafeeq ge boalahyaa, Seyku Shiyam ge boalhayaa, Goatge boalha yo, dhen e galuge monyment akee jamraa oh eyah airport ge huri haa muvazzifun hila ukan vee eyrun mi hatharu lhaa airport in bachaa faane, mee airport ge balaaveri kes rudin. Miaalaathun beyrukoh gen noonee airport salaamaiy nuvaane,
haraumen katu nagaanan thiaalaathun thiben jeheynee thihen feli feli
aharumen dheefaanan seyku shiyam ah Idea eh, mi kahala idea dheveneeves ham hiyam seyku kamun, seyku shiyam bunebala keekuran tha Unit thakugai unit head un thibenee, muvazzifege discipline masalaehgai seyku shiyam ah unit in massala fonuveema , emeehaku gen gos eynayaa vaahaka dhakaa nimeyiru emeehakuge ehves kusheh neiy. emeehaku baraabaru, eyna ah hedheyne gotheh noavey , dhen ehen veeiru unit head gen gos eyna yaa suvaalu koh massala eh neiy nama seyku shiyam jeheyne inzaarugai amilyah liye soi kuran, kohmeves ekakuge massala eh ulheynun dho. seyku shiyam thihun nanee maavareh viyya kuh kuraa meehun ves dhifaau kuran , emeehunge hagguthah ves hoadhadheyn... muvazzafunge hagguthah thigothah nuhoadhadhee, emeehunge 10 - 15 aharu ge vazeefaage kuri erun hoadhadhee ehaggu thah hoadhadheebala. ehen ve aharumen bunannee thee IBILEEHAH vureves balaabodu lhaaekey. airport ge hurihaaves goahakee seyku shiyam, 30 aharuvandhen management dhaairaage eh me is meehakah kure thivaruge kanthakeh nunin mey meehakee kaakutha, seyku ge gaabil kamaadheytherey suvaalu ufedhey.
Karaluge thoshi numashaa kevidhaane tha, ehen veeiru Mr Bofan sharee ge fathifuh DO gai varah avahah haama kohdheynan, KAU thakuge full details, Dhen bandey shafeegu kairee ahaabala MUTTALIB akee keeh kuraa meeheh hey, Sharee ah kereynetha ahan,
mutthalib is divalux maldives,
divalux managed by stanley, sri lanka...
seyku shiyam ge vaahaka liyaa meehaa varah moothabaru faraathakun egijje. e ee management ga ulhey kashikaa Amjadh eve. eyna hurihaa vaahakaeh leeku kuranee. elhaa seyku shiyam ah hurihaa enemenge shakuvaa gengosfa seykushiyam ge vaahaka fonuvaakamah egi nimijjeeve. seyku shiyamakee hama rudieh. ayya
Muttalib not only belongs to Divalux, he is also good partey of GERAD and the lady Ignita of SENEOK sri Lanka.
Sheyku shiyam mihaaru ulhenee molhu ehcheh hadhan vegen, 30 aharuge thajuribaa fennaane mifaharu. Civil service ge act ah vure molhu employment act eh introduce kurumuge furi hama kuren jehey kan thakugai esoru varah busy. migawaidge dhashun, muvazzifunge OT kadhaalevyne kamaa,Refugee status dheefai vaa izzehtheri muvazzafun hulhule in beryru kurumuge masaikaiy kureveyne kamah vey. Mee 30 aharuge management thajuribaa......ingey
Seyku shiyam ge hunna varakee ALied insaurance ge insaurance scheme ge dhashun muvazzafun Okley ainu nagaa ADK hospital gai mi card beynun koh gen party beyvi meehun naadheytherey ves ehves fiyavalheh neylhunu... eiee emeehunge ves haggu thakeh veyo kiyaa fai, mihaaru sekyku shiyam ulhenee mi massalaigai allied insurance govaigen court ah dhaan, seyku bunaa gothun viyya insurance card in muvazzafunge wedding ge hurihaa kameh ves hamajehshen vaane.
ey chocku hassanu maa molhu sfety booteh introduce koh kihaavarehge katu eh negi tha, Egifai vaagothugai mi bootu ah raigen ulheni koh dhe meehaku vehtti backbone gudaafaivey.........ekamaku seyku shiyam ah mivaru booteh neiy
My choice list of best staff in MACL
2. Shaheema Hussein
3. Solih (Living Legend SADDAM HUSSEIN)
6. BEYYA (chief)
7. ADHIL MOOSA (Finance)
8. Kudey (FEN KUDEY)
9. SALAMBE (Mr Cool)
10.Ihusna (management)
The fact that author of this article is insane is apparent. With the highest salary scale in government sector MACL is placed undoubtedly on the top of mind of job seekers. Maybe with the spate of economic crisis MACL may have to undergo a mandatory downsizing of its staff in the near future. In such a backdrop why does people to create more trouble for the management which is heading towards a gradual overhaul. Although I am not employed at MACL currently it was the place where I began my career and I know how badly corruption has plagued the organization in the past. It would not be an easy task for the new CEO to make a turnaround immediately. Don't cry foul unnecessarily to disrupt the positive developments of the company to eradicate the corrupt agendas. MACL(ers) should be thankful to what they earn in this era of economic difficulty.
Airport akee igthisoadhee gothun gina adhadhakah beyrufaisaa vanna thaneh.ehen namaves efaisaathah alhaa thijooreege foo mihaaru huriheneh hiyeh nuvey? am i correct? e ee meege aharuthakeh kureegai airportakee varah mussadhi thaneh,ekamaku mihaaru ehkala thijoori ah alhaa faisaathakah ves vaaeh nuvaaeh neyge.hurihaa verin vegen bai alhaigen kai huskuree utha? naganee faisaa eh noon.konmeves feyhekey kiyaafa konmeves kanthah gadeh kureveytho.eirun contractarunge athun bodu cut negeynee.Airport dhen ragalhuvaanee BODU KATE',BADU SHAFEEQ,KIBUREY MASSOOD,SEYKU SHIYAAM,baiverinnaai eku beyrukohgen....( Dhonmu )
I was thinking airport is a best organization belongs to government of Maldives. I was thinking Airport had techically and professionally qualified team. I was thinking Airport had a good management and staff scheme. I reading the series of articles in DO i belive that all these days what i was wondering was not right?
Airport was most corrupted place and there so so many issues still proceeding with Anti-Coruption Board. I havn't personally seen What so called "Bodukatey " and Seyku Shiyam" but these icons displayed in DO revealed that these are egotic , arrogant and infidels, because they have made airport company as a part of thier private business, deals and heavy commisions are more than enough for the salaries they get.They spend so much for thier mobile phone bills , their vehicles and consume lot of fuel for having snacks and coffee in Hulhumale. It seems that airport doesn't have a suitable cafeteria or a restaurant for them to have a coffee. This are embarrasing , but they will never feel guity of what they are doing.
So i a
Airport thoshi mahchah araafai vaa mas boatu thakan kapalhaa kohlan bodukatey raavamun dhanee.sheyku shiyam dhoni habeeb aaai masvaraakuramun dhanee e boatu thakuge ge habaru belemah, adhi maadhamaa circular nerumah vanee thayaaru ve fai, ethakethi 3 dhuvahuge therey nunagai finama airport ah negeyne kamah. Visnun fulhu varah ragalhu.thigothugai kuriyah dhey......
މިހާރު ސީއީއޯ އަށް ވަރަށް ގިނައެއްޗެތި އޮޅުން ފިލަންވާނެ. އެކަކު އަނެކަކަށް ސޯޓްބޭލެނީ އަހަރެން ހަމައެކަނި ބުނެލަން އޮތް އެއްޗަކީ އާޓިކަލް ގައިވާ ފަދައިން ތިތާހަމަ ތިބީ މުޅިން ކަރަޕްޓްވެފައިވާ ޑިރެކްޓަރުންތަކެކޭ. މުސާރައިގެ އޮނިގަނޑު ހަދާއިރު އެމީހުން ނުހައްގުން ގޭގަތިބެގެން އެނަގާ އޯޓީ ކަނޑާލަދެއްވާނެކަމަށް ހީކުރަން.
BODU KATE'Airport gai bahahtan FENNA NUFENNA kamuge voteh mihaaru miothee nagaa hisaabah jehifai,thiya Bodu Kate' ge vaahakathah mihaaru dhen bodu mahsalayakah vejje,ehen veema dhen mihaaru hadhanvee gothakee varah avahah petition ehge sifaigai liyumeh neren miulhenee,kerigen kithah staffun soikuraanee.mee varah avahah kuran vejje kameh. e ee mihaaruves Bodu Kate'ge Offeeha dhimaalu moodhu kaireegai (Staff Quarter-4)ge kolhugai varah agubodu mudhaathakeh 12 million rufiyaage, ebahuri alhalaane vaaleh iyaareh nethifaa heyovaanee kihineh.heevaagothun e ee runway irumatheegai hadhaa sea plane thakah theyo elhumuge khidhumai dhinimahtakai alhaa tank farmge saamaanu.mikahala kanthahthakaa suvaalu kuraane faraatheh netheetho.noos verinves mikaha isue thah naganvee eirun migaumun corruption foheleveynee....
Bala Bodu Kate'thiyavee kihineh mihaaru avas aruvaalaafa Tank Farm hadhan genai thakethi thiya ulhenee konmeves thaakah foruvan utha? ekamaku DO gai liyaa jihni thakakah nuforuveyne, kaley ge jihni fohah vuren magey ge jihni force maa harakaitherivaane.handhaankuraathi mihaaru midhanee Kate' ge mithanun fahaalumuge maruhalaathah.vaavarah dhen kapalhaa kurevihje utha?.......
mi faharu kuri vissaaraigaa libunu gellumah ufaakuranee bodukatey ekanyeve. thiree gai miliyelanee libunu gellumaa ekan ragalhukuraane gotheve.
1.Domestic terminal aa dhimaalun meehun gos,furaa jetty kaireega oiy furaalhu.70% vanee javvah, hawayah, fazaa yah araigen gosfa.
Ragalhu kuraane goiy.
E furaalhu nagaafa thuni billoori furaalheh elhun.
2. Cargo srahadhun vettifai oiy thoshigadu. Ragalhukuraane goiy.
lanka ah gos kommeves koraku nagaafaahuri piles thakeh kuda katakaa eku genes jahaanee,eyrun 50 akah aharu hunnaane.
3.Civil works masskathu meehun ufulaane nizameh gaaimkurun.
hadhaane goiy.
Anekka ves lanka ah gos Stanley kahala meehakaa badhahaluko 30 hakah meehun eruveyvarugu 4 bus gennanee.Mi kanves kuraanee kuda katakaaeku. Eyrun komme dhuvahaku bakarithakeh ufulaahen vehey vaareygai umurun 50 gos thibi muskulhi bayakah kommeves masakatheh kureveyne. Mihaaru vaagothun e meehun hee vany themifa thibey fidhana baigandeh hen.site gos kon masakkatheh kureveyne.. Dhen ehen noonas mi ee 21 vana garuney.
4.Beach rest Canteen.
Ragalhu kuraane goy.
E than thalhaalafa kommeves dhimaaleh gai mizamaanuge fenvarah kaiboveyne gotheh hadhaanee.. Kuda katakaa eku mikanves kohlaanee.
E hen noonas Hulhu maale ah gos kaiboe ulhey bayakah komme gotheh ves varihama vaane kan egey.Ba eh faharu beach rest ah vann iru heevee ge ehge gifiyyakah vadheveyhen.
Gamugai huri gpu.
Male banana airport gai huri 4 Gpu vanee failvfai.Ehenvegen gamun vanee ethanugai huri gpu genevifai.
Ragalhu kuraanegoy.
Mi haaru e section havaale vefaa vaa bodu katey ah ithru 3 section havaalu kurun.
Keekey 12 million ah vure agubodu filter station eh thoshi mathee hunna tha 1 mas veeyey.
Ragalhu kuraane goiy
Baaru laafa hudhuvehicle dhekolha dhuvvanee.. eyrun hunaanee hatahreskan hamavefa. Bala bodukatey, sidi bari raavaagothah hurihaakameh nukureveyney
aslu ves mifaharu bodu kattey ah faidhaa vaa goiy mi vee. Airport gai thanthan hadhaa usoolakee veehaa ves kada koh bodu katu nagaigen bodukattey ah faidhaa vaa gothah kanthah kuranee. dhoni thah lafaa dhimaalugai hdhaafai vaa shed ge roof akee aahmu koh Europe gaumu thakugai fini than thanugai beynun kuraa roof, eiee fahareh gai ves mifadhamaahaul thakah kamudhaa ehcheh nun. mifadha hot countries thakugai ethakthi beynun kuranee gas indhaa nursery thakugai, green house thah hedhunah. avigadha dhuvaheh ge mendhuru ethaa dhashugai nikan gos madu kohla bala, fisaari hanaa araane.
bodu katey thihen hudhu kulaige vehicle eh gai kulhadhureh hen hathaa vehtuneema eburey hen dhuhviyas airport ge kan thakeh ragalheh nuvaane
Dhen nikan beach rest kanmathee gai madu kohlabala kitheh minute van dhen keh koh levey thoa. Eiee 21st century ge modern HANDAS burieh tha... noonee mas market tha Tinu jahaa hadas burieh hadhaafai hunna, ethanugai mas kandaa dhuvaheh viyya mulhi magumathee ves on naanee mahu ley.
Dhivehi raahjey ge leynaarakee mas verikan ehen veeiru ethan hdhan veenu airport ah araa fathuverin nah fennaa ne hen departure kurimathee alah hedi haasa monument noo nee hila ukaa jamraa ah, eyrun maathaakiru vaane.
Bodukatey kobaa sheet pile kolheh stanley athunun nugen naanan tha, colombo dock yard gai ebahuri mihaaru konmeves thanakun nagaafai huri sheet pile thakeh... e ragalhu vaane mihaaru thikih kaa theyo thaangi hadhaa thaa jahan.
Bodukatey ah aharen ge vedhun salaam
Seyku shiyam hama dhoni HABEEB vareh netheetha thiulhenee.. Mizamaanugai dhathurufathuruge hidhumaiy dhey goiy tha eiee. Iqthisaadhu kurumuge gothun godi ehaa kairee nujehias vedhaane Aharen eyn dhoni gai indhaa ahren ge moonugai fookolhu kaathamun ethreyah van meehaku vanee, burin dhuvi vahakun kiriyaa anburai nugathee . HABEEB noonee mikan minoon fen varahkah kureveyne bayaku mi gaumugai hama netheetha. emeehunge hidhumaiy mihaaragalheema tha 20 aharu van dhen ves ehves bid akah nulaa enehun naa havallukoh gen laari gandu kahamun thi baalanee. corruption..corruption... bodukatey ekani eh nun kaneee.....madun huhtas skeyku shiyam akee nulafaa meeheh
thats some thing very common in airport ferry, The seats are located so close by people have to rubb othir private parts on others face for taking a seat.This is very awkard and embarassing, some time it smells awful, The same party dominating ferry services for more than 18 years with out an open tender. and all knows how much comisions SEYKU Shiyam and NASEEM gets from "Theyo vagu HABEEB"
The top list of people who takes heavy CUTS
1. The famous one and only Bodukatey
2. Bandey Shafeeq
3. Boafan Shareef ( Melon lover and professional account keeper of BANDEY)
4. Ziyam (local purchases)
5. Sameera (The baby)
6. Masood Imad ( movie drector " A trouble with MACSTAR"
7. Seyku Shiyam
8. Naseem (vAGU secret agent o Sarudhaaru NASEER
9. Madame Areefa
pls add some more to the CUT list
11. Motto Hareef ( Quaari and cofee man
12. Bodubaiy Hameed (MSU)
bofan shareef (KARAA eater) kut nagan vegen foreign order thak unit thakun recommend kuraa suppliers ah fonuvumuge badhalugai meenage agent nun nah fonuvaigen ethakethee ge ithuru details hoadhumah unit thakah balaa jahsaane, misaalakah fire loree (carmicheal or Simons)ge parts beynun vanee Stanley athun gennan. miee dhen boduvareh dho. Unit head akah neygeyneyo thakethi gennan vaathaneh. Karaa sharee ah cut libey, UK,Germany,Singapore adhi the great Stanley athun. coruption ge sababun mulhi airport halaaku vanee. nikan meenage HSBC aai BML ge account thak (Dollar account ) thah balaa bala. Karaa sharee thivarah kut nagaa iru hithah faharehgaives naaraatha aahiraiy dhuvas mathin, maaiy kalaa ko salaamaiy vun othee thi vahkan thah hutaafai, rahyithuge kibain maafah edhifaiy thaubaa viyya. edhuvahun karaa sharee ah efaraathun cut negidhaanetha, ganelevidhaanetha... hithah araadho ganelaanamey... maabodaavaan vegen anhen kudhin dhoni mathee thibihyaa thi reethi oh kiyaa fan isthashi gandu faraaiy faraathah ehlamaun, karaa kaa dhaiypila sale alhuvaalaigen faadeh ge laptop eh hifaigen indhe foni nudheh kiyas aharamen nah ingey thee foni lhaa eh kan. Thee bandey shafeeq ge himaayath libigen vaa adhi ruhshavaafai hunna lhaa eh kan. keneddy dhiyumun Areefa foreign purcahsing in beyru koh badu shappey ah bai alhan vegen thilhaa aai ekan havaalu kurevunee. dhen thilhaa thihun nanee aneh kaa dhaiy pila sale alhuvaigen PO gai soiy kurevey thee. ehen nun vaanee kut thah nagaane magu fahi vee ma.
Mulhi MSU gai agubodu tools thah beyrukoh huskuree PUDDING or BONDUBAIY HAMEED . bodethi 5 ton ge hyraulic jack thah gelley iruves negey. mi heevanee david copper field ge magic show eh hen. MSU gai vaa agubodu tools thah hunanee mi bodubaiy hameed ge male gai hunna amilla workshop gai, mi tools thakugai MSU engarve koh fai huttaa aharen ves dhusin meena ge work shop therein. Dhen BODUKATEY ah reykaalee MSU gai vaa tools thah husveema eithanugai faarubudugai guard eh bahattan. ekamakuves adhives huhtunee akee nun. mihaaru dhuvaa ehves vehicle eh ground handling equipments eh nuhurey service ekasheegen vaa gothugai filight thakah hidhumaiy dheyn. mSU ah vanna vehicle thah aburaa nukunna gotheh nuvey. midheytherin gan airport beynun kuraa GPU eh ves 20 fee faa diesel andhaalaigen vaguthun Hulhule ah genes fai vey. ehen kamun gan airport ah mihaaru ADhoc flight thah operate eh nukurey... miee sheyku shiyam ge baiskal hadhan airport ah genai badubaiy hameed ge fen varakee PHD hadhaafai huri unit head ah vure magaamuves adhi mushaaraves bodu. Sheyku shiyam keethah thikuranee... short beyley iruves negeythoa tha thiulhenee
airport gai corruption hunna varakee than kolheh kurin electrial ge Zakariyyaa hayaath ge kureege dhauru, electricalge store gai huri 11 air condition unit ah vee gotheh neygunu, hama dhumah eree. mikamaa gulhigen technical services ah ehelaafai hurefai electrical aai havaalu kuri JOY thankolheh nidhimaduvefai hurumaa rasmeegadeegai bedroom ah vadhe nidhi kurahvaathee aai adhi ethakeh kos thakeh hedhi thaveedhu gehlunee ma anehkaa zakari aai havaal vee, mifaharu gehleynee thigengulhey fenvaru ragalhu mast allowance kailaigen light post thakuge light badhalu kurumah gen gulhey zipper nun kameh neyge. ehen vehjje yaa zakree akee aharen ge number one, avahah dhen siyaasee party eh eyrun hadhan vee, kaamiyaab vaane. Thihen dhoni mathee dhefai auto ah laigen dhaiy pila seyl alhuvaigen inumakun nufudheyne. Ginaginain dhuvumaa kasrathu kurey mihaarah vureves ithurah. eyrun baaru jeheynee.
cut nagaa listu gia goat aai eynaage dhe puppet (lhabey, rhode) ge nan kobaa?
goat aai behey article eh DO ah araifiyya fisaari avahah gellenee keehve?
Ey koba koba Civil Romey. Airportun annagothah ais Male'ge fihaara thakah vedhegen nagaa katu thakun gedhoraa echchehi hadhaa ninmaalaafi. Tap con adhi Alco in lebey mahu musaara ah kihaavareh libeybaa.
Airport bodu store bandu alhaalaagen mihaaru local purchasing bandu alhaalan Shimad, bodu vagu naseem genaairu anekkolhun store bandu alhaalaagen dhenhuri meehaa dhiya'ee bodu kanneyyah. dhen eyrun buneveynenu hurihaa laari'eh hoadhee bodu kanneyyah gosgenney.
Mihaaru Fazeel sheykh hedhigen ulhunekkamaku purchasing unitun negihaa katu thah enmennahves egeyne.
Thala Ahamma IT sectiona aa gulhigen star computers in nagaa katu thah belumah aharen CEO ah ilthimaas kuran.
Bala hurihaa enmenge vaahaka dhakkaa iru Tender baige bodu bandu zidhooge Jambey contractarun athun nagaa katu thakaa fayaz shareef athun dheynamey kiyaafa dhiruvaali laaribondi kobaa. ahannah egey gothugaa airportge emme gina katu nagaa lhaayakee mi bandu jambey, mikamakee mee bodu vagu naseem aa gulhigen kuraa kameh.
ey kobaa goru kanneli hasanu supplies bandu alhaalaafa Malaysia ah gos neelan nagan digree hadhaagen ais neelamah laa ethikolhu bandu alhaalanee. mee katunegiyas boduvaru dho.
Foreign purchase baaga ulhefaa beyru kolli Akuram dhen fenunee bodu masboateh ganegen viyafaari feshithan. Naseebakun elhaa farah araafi. e'echcheh hoadhi gothakah e'echcheh dhaanee. kobaa goru bovijjenu.
Saabas mulhi airport thi othee katah gos husvefa nu. Avahah thiya hurihaa alaathun kandaalaa.ehen noonee airport bagurootu vedhaane. i love airport.
aan thee Badu Jambe thee balaaeh, eheme fahun ves hedhigothakee Germany in genai theyo lory thah e supply kuran buni period ah vure delay vumun demmurage ah eri 1 million dollar kaalhee mikaleygeya gadhayah dufaa thun raiy koh fai ulhey rai laa jehi bodu vagu NASEEM. mi dhelhaa tender unit eh hadhaigen hama laari gandhu nagamun dhanee. adhi mi jambey varah rulhi annaane, technically kameh olhun filuvumah supplier ah E-mail eh mee na through koh nufonuvaa, direct koh fonuvaifi nama. ehen nun heevaanee, vagun ge foshi baarah ban naane emeehun nah heevaanee hen mee hunnakee ves vagun hen.
Badu shappey akee hama ekani cut negumah masooru meeheh ge ithurun bitun ge kulhi ves kulhey meeheh, eyna mihaaru idhegen ulhey ASDHOONI WALK Roshan akee ves airport muvazzifeh, hama airport ah ahen kujje alah vadhejeyya goruboigen ulhey bakateh hen fahathun dhuvaane. mi hen ulhemun meenage seceretary MOYA BURUGAA ves thlhaa laifi . mikan asdhooni walk roshan ah ves ingey... ekamaku kuraanee keh.. loabin neh nun viyya idhegen ulhenee..... money money money....CUT ..CUT..CUT
Clean and cut free people of airport.
1. Adhil ( MSU)
2. Fazeel ( with thubulhi now clean & clear)
3. Seik Ali Riza
4. Solih (SADDAM)
5. Beyya (Fire Chief)
6. Modey (fuel chief)
7. Jaufar (Salli)
8. Gafoor (Ops)
9. Water kudey
10. Ali Nashih (Terminal)
We salute these clean and claer people... these are the true patriotic heros of this great airport
Bandu shafeeg aki mihaaru airport ga huri emme bodu vagu.elhai ah cut nilibey gothah evves project eh nuhingaa. mihaaru aa fuel farm hadhan ulhey thanun modey aa shafeeg bai gandu laari gandu kai naganee. Jambey, Sharee Naseemu mee shafeeg ge vagu kachooru group. hama mihaaru CEO ah mikan thah balan govaalan. Nagoo balhu vagu group abadhu ulheni Malaysia ah mahaku effaharu dharu alhaa alhaa, eves business claahuga. nooney laari bandu elhifa eba huri. CEO, kaleyge hivareh huriyya nikan mi bai gandu ge ohh bondi ga hifaabala maithiri kuran.
Our new CEO has become CHICKEN-SHIT. the man who appeared chest wide is now crowling under the chair of BANDU SHAFEEG + ALI HASHIM. CEO has become part of the cycle. I bet you guys a MILLION dollar that this CEO would do nothing at all to stop corruption. He blew it. HE has to get the blessing if this newly established MC (management commity) even to take a piss. SHAME SHAME SHAME!
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