However, he may be in for a surprise as his own brother Abdulla Yameen, head of Peoples Association (PA), is reportedly colluding with several key politicians and trying to take control of the Supreme Court. If that happens, he could very well try to come up with a judgment banning Golhaabo from standing for office this time. According to sources close to Yameen, with Golhaabo out of the picture, the DRP will have to make an alliance with his party and he could declare himself the Presidential Candidate of DRP-PA coalition. The source also said Thasmeen Ali, the current running mate of Golhaabo is a pawn of Yameen, placed there to facilitate his rise to power.
Of course these are just conspiracy theories but pundits say that Yameen may very well be the preferred choice of Golhaabo if he could not stand for office. Also, despite earlier indications from Yameen, he has not yet thrown his hat in to the race. Yameen’s associates say that he has not given up on the idea and has a cunning plan to get what he wants.
Yameen, left the cabinet about two years ago and formed his own party recently, after running it as just Peoples Association. Some of his colleagues until late have since moved on and joined the party of his rival Qasim Ibrahim, the Republican Party. A few like ‘Underwear’ Nazim is still by Yameen’s side.
The source also said that Yameen has also agreed to join his brother’s cabinet and will take on Finance and Trade under one ministry. Furthermore, his associate ‘Underwear Nazim’ will also join him in the cabinet.
Looks like the ‘Kaaminee Clan’ isn’t yet ready to give up their stronghold on power without a fight.
Of course, people like Golhaabo and Yameen should never be under estimated. Nevertheless, one thing is certain this time, that the people of Maldives are going to get a free vote and Golhaabo could be ousted provided the opposition groups unite.
We will know the outcome in just a few weeks. Golhaabo’s fate could be sealed in the first week of October if elections take place on the 4th as being proposed by the Election Commission.
Sappe, what a smart way to raise doubts on anni to stand on the election. we know how you play now - you are the new Golhaabo. Sappe, don't play with MDP - we can stop Gasim from funding you. i don't care if you post this or not but obviously you have read this already.
Varah dera dho? keeh kuraanee bfayah vure meena molhu. ekamku meenaage nimunves ehaa hithivaane. dhenves thankolheh gadarai ehkoh baki qaboolkohfa salaam buneeyaa rangalhuvaane.
Qaanoon aa qaanooney kiyeynee amalukuramun ai qaanoon uvaalumahfahu hedhy echekah. mee kuda kujjakahves engeyne echcheh.Islaahukurumah fahu amalukureveynee islaahkurevunu qaanoon thakah. eygemaana neygeyvaruge meeheh noon eyneyakee. sarukaaruge muvazafun lavvaaves aa qaanooney eba kiuvaehnoon! kihaadhera kameh mee.
reform ejendaa akeeves meenage kameh noonkan kithemme bayakah engay iruves alhugadugey kiyaigen huttaanulaa eb kiya kihaadhera kameh. ekan huttan ulhunu vaahaka kiyaakamah vaanam maarangalhu vaane noon. mee haadha bodu undhagulekey dho.meena handhaan naththaalan ulhunas golhaafoas neregen kuri hadi mududhaaru kanthah raiyithun hadhaan nunetheyne
thankolheh boduvareh mee.
heheh hay man lots and lots of people think brother Yamin, brother Maumoon and brotherly Gasim is a one picture. Yaamin has proved it.In the end a new picture Three Friends cool isn't it?. So regarding Maumoon, I think it is not that easy to bring old man to obey the law. But if he win I must say, we should teach again our children not to cheat any body or public, by taking double meaning from the object, and change the real meaning.
yameen does not intend to throw stones at maumoon. These bothers know nothing but power and they will hunt it no matter what. The little difference is yameen is a bit concerned with public as to the political situation in the country and in order to give him any chance hes using bro-power as well as getting into the good books of the public with resignation from gov, teaming with annivists so he can pave way for his "maldivian dream"(being the president is all maldivians dreams, arnt it today?)
I think the theory is not so close to the actual plan. Yameen is trying to control Supreme Court to ensure his brother can run for president. Husnul Suood is now the favorite of many people to be the head of SC. Through his brothers support in Republic Party and with his connection with MDP activists he probably is going to win the position. Whether you accept or not Gayoom will run and win this election. And if need be Anni might hold hands with Yameen, Gayoom and Maariyaa on a power sharing deal.
Yaameen and Qasim are the same. Notice that Qasim thrived as a businessmen under Yameen's watch as a Trade Minister.
But one may also say that Qasim is a result of Yameen's incompetence as the national business and trade regulator.
Apart from politics, they are buddies.
i think in the end it will work the other way round. PA and JP and DRP will join hands. MDP would then left with humiliatian and they will continue to utter 'What have we done!'
I really dont or can't understand why Golhaaboa wants to be in power for another 05 years! Every time he talks about lifting our country to new heights..it scares me so much! Imagine if he lifts these things to new heights.... drug thingy, child abuse, robbery & mugging, corruption, gang fighting, selling off the rest of our fishing territory to rich foreign tycoons, Gan to convert to a Chinese military base, take more loans on our country's name and put our childrens' great grand children on debt for 100s of years more, to let Tsunami victims live in tents for the rest of their lives like the people live in slums in Mumbai, Ethiopia etc etc
I wonder whats wrong with some MDP emotional guys, they seems unable to maintain their control when some one talks MDP's other side (MDP ge bithufangi).
The first anonymous said at 02:05, is very like a secret puppet of Anni. thats why he is talking against DO-Sappe.
Guys comon this is democracy there is no one particular person we have to worship, long time ago the people were treated as slaves, but today the whole image has been changing, so there is no way that we will worship to any other person, whether its the so called opposition leader Anni or the most obvious Dictator Gayyom.
I have no personal issues with any of these people, nor the general public. I think when it comes to justify a national interest, we should understand the problems and then consider a choice of our supporter. Thus many people supported Gayyom, specially his cronies during late 19780s, and of course equally there were many people who support Anni during the beginning of the reform work and certainly when Anni arrived Maldives. But when days passed away, people realised the false promise which Anni kept announcing and the difficulties in maintaining a supportive relationship with the team. This was the end of support which Anni had got for the last 3 years. So there is no point to get angry abt DO-Sappe or Haveerunews or Miadhunews, or Minivannews.com.
Anni is a big failure, this the truth, DO-Sappe might not cover the story of ANNI and his failure, WHY? because Anni is not any more important and nor a key factor, it was past, those days gone. So DO-Sappe will cover the story of the most potential and electable leader which majority believes is, that is Gasim. Then it is Gayyom who should be always remembered as a DICTATOR, so his stories need to be addressed then and there.
I think Anni will not a good leader nor a good team worker, he is a big problem within MDP and specially within this reform work, no top experienced guys are able to work with ANNI, due to his personal interest, stubborn and his arrogant behavior.
qasim win vejje nama, aneh kaa ves endherimaage ah verikan libunee. varah fahun ves qasim endherimaage ah gos ilyas aa badhdhalu kuri.
komme ves ehen aa ilaa akah verikan dheyn dhivehin khiyaalu kuran vejje noon.
I think its best to take Ibra and face the future
The biggest change I've seen so far is the change in DO Sappe. Articles are a little bit better, reporting attitude improved and most of all tries to incorporate a sort of fact in to the story. The one thing which has not changed over the years is his bitterness to Qayoom. (By the way why dont you run in the presidential election this time)
Only Creame Mohamed can bringdown maumoon , he can kill any one he likes , he's the most powerful thug in asia. but sadly he still considers 12-13 side better.
Machaa AIDs
Anni is playing a game just like he did it during sangu era.
Maumoon and hameedh requested his longtime friend Ahmed Abbas (bamboo)to start a magazine to insult ilyas , so anni came in to scene . they were never sentenced on sangu case , but a bomb blast at sultan park put anni and the gang behind bars....
so i believe they all are playing a game , ahmed abbas will never betray gayoom , he still meets him.
in association with MOSSAD
According to Dr.Hassan Saeed in his website www.hassan2008.com answering questions about the candidacy of Maumoon, the former attorney general says he expects Maumoon to stand in the elections by hook or crook, although Maumoon himself announced that he believed no president should stand for more than two terms. Due to this Hassan says that Maumoon is politically a very low graded person because he is contradicting his own statement, and Maumoon does not care about what is written in the constitution. Maumonn mostly breaks law and later amends them as per his wish.
Hassan said that he does not give a hoot about Maumoon standing for a seventh term.
Kaaminee clan and Endheri clan lives on. Kaaminee clan led by Maumoon at the moment and Endheri clan led by Gasim.
Did Sappe himself write the above. What a shame, even Sappe can be bought!
anni men kuri kamekey,,election commision egoathah ehovee MDP meehunthah,,,,emeehun beynun vanee anni noonee maumoon,,,anni akee kada golha eh,
i kinda see some thing very different here. Gasim, who is he, Anni, who is he, Hassan, who is he, all goes back to one guy. ILyas. A frustrated wanna be president with failed records till today. the poor fellow has been trying to throw off maumoon ever since maumoon got in to power. ILyas has tried every thing in the book from terrorism, failed assassination to black magic and now has played his last card to revenge maumoon. Anni got his political motivation against maumoon from this guys talks back in the good old days, ask sikka, so did ibra, so did hassan, so did a lot of people who speaks against the guy in power. And finally gasim is in the stage. The last but the strongest card ILyas managed to raise with some help from his sister. a tycoon built within the system. Now he has placed it in good waters at a good time. Maumoon is also human and tired from all this, but his blood will try all what he can do to win this election and then retire just to challenge ILyas and his bewitched wife. Surely not because he's against democracy. We should all give him noble price for sleeping with the enemy for so long.
What is this Kaaminee clan and Endheri clan?
Do we Maldivians still believe that in the 21st century Maldives after all these shootings into thin air, after all these demonstrations and after all these political zig-zags, we can be taken in for a ride by two termagant, sychophant, arrogant, mountebank gangs who still think the world is flat?
Or do they think they are two malicious computer viruses which can go on infecting all our minds?
For God's sake start collecting whatever bits and pieces you could find and get ready for a really lonely and miserable life or else renounce your clans and start living like real humble human beings without opening your mouths like the bay of bengal chanting the names of your so called annointed clans?
Well! I have a piece of advice for the two holy clans of Maldives; bend over and start self-annointing yourselves with some real nice and hot oil and till you see the result very soon!
I can smell the thick fear of DO-Sappe and JP gang/ Endherimaage Clan. They are afraid and maybe having loose-motion thinking that PA might join hands with DRP. They cant beat gayyoom if DRP-PA Alliance materialises. So Sappe' has invented a fat lie saying Yameen is trying to get control of supreme court to oust Gayoom.
Sappe' do u think such lame artcle will put gayoom in doubts and hinder a DRP-PA alliance IF they do wish to form one/?? i dont think so.
i am an independent person but i still believe that Anni is the guy for tomorrow. look at gasim - he is the one who wrote beseeching letters to gayyoom for forgiveness as if maumoon is his God. and look, he scrammed off when budget failed. but Anni, he stood behind the peoples aspirations. i think the guys here are right, sappe, you should stop messing MDP.
Yameen is no different from Gasim. Both of them have destroyed our economy when they had the opportunity to serve. Both of them are Golhas.
gasim made the biggest mistake in taking munawar as his running mate he is not going in fr the people he is doing it for his own benifits.
there will be so many people who will not vote for him.First he was with golhaaboa then joined anni now he is with Gasim ,dont you think its a bit strange.
does it have to be something that is good for the author to put in
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