Friday, 29 August 2008

Application for Hulhumale’ Apartments v the Constitution

According to Haveeru News the Hulhumale’ Development Corporation (HDC) has said that the Individuals interested in the newly completed apartments in Hulhumale’ can submit their application for 488 of the 500 flats from 20th August 2008 onwards.

HDC said that that the new apartment building can provide accommodation for 4,000 people and that the applicants will be divided into three categories based on social aspects. Those who fall into A Category will need to be a resident of Male’ for 12 years and be of 25 years and older. B Category will consist of applicants who are 21 years and above of age who have been a resident of Male’ for seven years. Category C includes people who are 21 years and above of age and who are registered residents of Male’. All three categories have several other conditions applied to them as well.

Let us consider the following Articles from the Constitution to observe whether the qualifications of the applications to Hulhumale’ flats are valid or invalid.

Freedom of Transportation and Settling down: Article 41(b)
As per Article 41(b) all the citizens are entitled to the right to settle in any inhabited island in the Maldives and also are entitled to the right to migration from one island to another.

This Article is very clear and simply it means that all the citizens are entitled to the inalienable right of settling in any inhabited island. Simultaneously, the Article also guarantees the right of the movement of people from one island to another. However, the question arises when it comes to Hulhumale’? Do we have the right to settle in Male’? Well, one might say that we all have the right to settle down in Hulhumale’? But, is practically recognized? Are there any barriers to this right, brought about in an unconstitutional manner?

It is very clear that this right is granted to us by the constitution. In fact, we all know that any such rights so granted by the constitution cannot be restricted or narrowed down except by an Act of Parliament passed in line with the constitution.

Fundamental Rights Guaranteed: Article 16(a)
Our recently ratified green Constitution very clearly states in Article 16 (a) that the constitution guarantees all the rights and freedoms prescribed under Part II (Fundamental Rights) of it in accordance with the Islamic Shari’ah principles. Furthermore, it states that any limitations on the rights or freedoms guaranteed under this constitution can be imposed only with an Act of Parliament passed in accordance with this constitution.
Is there any Act of Parliament which states that application for Hulhumale’ flats will only be successful if the applicant is from Male’ or has been living in Male’ for such and such number of years. Even if there is any Act which stipulates so wouldn’t it be contrary to our constitution? In other words unconstitutional. As we can see from the constitution no discrimination is allowed. Furthermore, all are equal in the eyes of the law.

No Discrimination: Article 17(a)
It can be understood from Article 17(a) that all persons are entitled to all the rights and freedoms guaranteed under Part II of the constitution without any discrimination. No one should be discriminated on the basis of race, or country of birth, or color, or sex, or age or physical or mental disability, or political or other views, or financial capability, or family, or island etc.

We have seen the the case of Hulhumale’ flats and its prescribed conditions or qualifications for application which states that the applicant must be from Male’ or has been living in Male’ for such number of years. Wouldn’t this amount to discrimination?
Obviously, as we can see from the categorisation there is discrimination. The opportunity or rather the right is narrowed down or restricted to people living in Male’. How many of us cannot get housing even in our own islands due to the scarcity of land. The difficulty of housing is not only faced by Male’ people or people who are residing in Male’ but also others in atolls too have the same problem. So where is our right? What is our solution? Where can we go to get our right?

Equality: Article 20
As it can be understood from Article 20 all are equal before and under the law and are entitled to the equal protection of the law and benefits derived from the law.

Evidently, there are always greater opportunities for Male’ people or people living in Male’. But the truth is that Hulhumale’ doesn’t belong to Male’ people alone. Hulhumale’ is neither built with the financial assistance of so called ‘Male’ people’ nor from the pockets of those who are living in Male’. Therefore, we all must have equal opportunity when it comes to flats and other benefits. It seems that people from atolls are only counted as citizens when the government wants to take something from us but not when it comes to sharing of any benefits. What is this? Can we call this equality?

Administrative Decisions to be made with Justice: Article 43 (b) and (c)
According to Article 43 (b) if any one feels that any administrative decision taken has infringed his or her right, he or she has the right to get the reason for taking such a decision in writing. Furthermore, Article 43(c) states that if the right of any individuals or a party’s rights are hindered due to any y administrative decision then they are entitled to file that matter in a court of law. Moreover, it extends this right to those who are likely to be directly affected by such a decision.

One might say that it is administrative decision. It is not a decision of a court of law or any legislation passed by the government. Our constitution provides a remedy or rather a right to us in such matters too as we can see in Article 43(c). So the big question is do we have to file a case in a court of law to challenge this decision? What if we do take the matter to a court? Are we still going to sleep on our rights even under the newly ratified constitution? Let us think together and act together.


Anonymous said...

Somebody should file a lawsuit against HDC. What they are doing is unconstitutional as we can see in this article.

Anonymous said...

Sappe, why are you not putting my comments?! if you cannot do it then stop DO for God's sake!

Anonymous said...

i think we have taken the right given in the constitution 2 far.i mean though it says tht we can migrate and live in any island we want i dont think a prerequiste of being a male resident is against the constitution.because the constitution dosnt say tht we have to be given equal rights to own land, or flats.just tht we can live in any island we i guess this prereqisite to falsts in hulhu male dosnt prevent us from living in hulhumale...just the same way we are living in male, on rent. although i do agree tht category 1 of 12 years in really a big advantage for those who hav registered at dhaftharu for tht long. i myself at 26 hav been born nd living in male but didnt care to register as male'resident is at the short end of the stick. i think its a gud thing tht tht clause is there taking in to account tht the next government wud pave the way for four more male like cities in different regions of the sure with the basic facilities at the level in male like education,health, and job nd ports, wud make these islands more attractive destination fr migrants a the living expenses wud be lower.i myself am toying with the idea of migrationg to one of these isalnds if the politicians are true to there word. c'mon guys its not so bad, i think we can still own land plots. though sum1 really shud do sumthing abt the price tht they are selling. cheers...

Anonymous said...

please give photographer the credit. you steel pictures like gasim steels articles for his website.

Anonymous said...

right article. Regarding Hulhumale and flats there its a long standing problem.Even before the constitution, i didnt find any reason why Hulhumale flats or plots are opened for Male residents.
Hulhumale has been reclaimed on loan money which has been secured in the name of Maldivians, is that is so why the place(hulhumale) is for male residents. Should HDC really need to see whether i have been as a registered one for 40rs, 50yrs in Male.

Anonymous said...

This is a stupid argument. The constitution provides two rights of significance. The first right is an absolute right to receiving equal benefit and equal protection under the law. Second right deals with an absolute right to move freely within the country and settle where a person may want.

Translated into reality, none of these rights may be taken at the face value or in their literal sense. It means more than what it says. Its legal significance is that treatment must be like in like cases.

That is to say, where two individuals placed in similar or like circumstances may not be treated differently and that they must be treated in the like manner. If Gasim has 10 resorts, I must have 10 too right? Isnt that land too? Why am I not given the equal amount of what he has? Isnt that against the constitution? What kind of a stupid argument is this? If not I can sue the toursim ministry?

The right cannot mean that all have an absolute right to have shelter wherever they may wish. All these rights must be read with the necessary legislations in place.

Those legislations would specify the broad public policies on granting land for habitation, agriculture, industrialization, or other purposes.

What is important is that all shall be able to seek equal benefits under the law. The legislation and its implementation shall guarantee that the same processes apply through out to all.

Anonymous said...

fuck off sappe! u make every issue a big thing! hulhumale is for male citizens who does not have a decent living place! what the fuck are u trying to prove? if we are going to bring all these uneducated, uncivilized islanders to Hulhumale , the place will be destroyed! as u can see the place is already crawling with all kind of animals from the islands.does not have mannners at all.! just make babies and let them roam on the streets!the place has become like a typcial island! hulhumale should be for the rich..not to the uneducated uncivilzed "raagethery alaathun"

Anonymous said...

Well this issue was raised by media on the day HDC's press conference on Hulhu-Male' flats. I believe we have to wait for a supreme court. This issue will b in court soon. Because we know what is happening here.

Anonymous said...

hulhumale is an exception. if people were given the right to settle in hulhumale as easy as the other islands than the whole island will be over crowded, because there is very high demand for it.

Hulhumale said...

well. what a stupid ass is the anonymos dude who thinks raajthery people have no rights for hulhumale. wake up dude. we have the same rights for hulhuamle as the so called male dick heads. we are gonna challenge the hegamony of golhabo policies. sooner or later we ar gonna get our rights. the other thing is most of educated people of maldives ar not from male. most rich people ar also not from male. wake up dude.

Hulhumale said...

if hulhumales land rights ar given to only slected and protected group, then its fucking day light discrimination and racism. u unedcated bayfulhoos shud wake up before its too late. we will take tis matter to the spreme a country , the sytm shud not impose fucking racial discrimation on its people.

Anonymous said...

As far as I can understand with my limited knolwwdge, I think the argument raised by the writer is very appealing and it makes sense. we all are entitled to equalrights before the law with out any discrimination. However, we must at the same time take into consideration that there can be qualifications but that qualification should not hinder the rights so guaranteed under the constitution,eg equality. So, in my opinion, everyone must be entitled to application irrespective of the place of registration. The argument that Hulhumale' is NOT ONLY FOR MALE" PEOPLE IS VERY STRONG.

One must also understand that the equal protection of the law doesnt mean that if Gasim has 10 resorts u all must have 10 resorts. hehe

Anonymous said...

Hulhumale' akee HDC ge bodun NAACHARAN'GEE kulhen hihkaafai oeh rashehtho?. ethanugai mihaaruves ebahuri HDC ge bodunnah nagaafai huri 4 noonee 5 flat ethan than dhookuranee ebodunge rahtehin weekend gai ais majaakurumaai naacharan'gee kulhen kobaatho e flat thakun dhivehi sarukaarah libenjehey faisaa.mikanthah thah balanee konfaraathakuntho? please check Flat Block No:10 gai dhiri ulhenee konbaehtho?

Anonymous said...

Hulhumale' should be open to all maldivians, not only to Male'(registered) population. Unfortunately it inequitable criteria is a killer, slap on the face. People of male' are already living overseas with the rent we (islanders) are paying them. they are living on our sweat and blood. It is very true that people from the islands are deprived from their basic right, they even address with a lower level of language. as you know Dhivehi has three levels, one for Beyfulhus, second for the middle class and working class. But boy, gone are the days of such discrimination, you guys have to come and beg us for a vote, if you want to stay in power, do right with us. We have outnumbered you. and anyways Beyfulhus are the homos and lesbos. I am sure you all have heard of 'gaduvarutherey kulhi kulhun'. you all are breed for that, children of people like edhi mariyambu, Thagari faathun and Maa Lalhi Seytu. Anyways, we are going to make this right, you wait and see.

Anonymous said...

somebody from an island should stand for the rights of the islanders to stop 30 years of discrimination between islanders and male'...

Unknown said...

Golhaabo and the male ruling elite think we raajthery people have no clue of civil rights. lets see wat happens in the upcomming elections. we will sends golhaabos and elites into the bottom of the history.

Unknown said...

well,the hulhumale is a property of the people of maldives. it is ok if it is operated on the basis of real estate business but now hulhumale is a pure case of total discrimination of stone age. Still golhaabo people are living in stone age. keekey bunaanee mi runding katha kuraa gothaa medhu.

Anonymous said...

fuck off the anonymous who praised the islanders with such glorifyin comments..btw when u say 'raajethrey' i never knew male is out of rajje.or is male an island belongin to UK or something???
so u better revise ur primary lessons..u r able to live only bcz of us,ur so calld raajethrey alaathun..wake u bloodsucking parasites!!!