ޖުމްހޫރީ ޕާޓީ ގެ ހެންވޭރު ގާމަގު ގޮފީގެ ފަރާތުން ޖުމްހޫރީ ޕާޓީގެ ރިއާސީ ކެންޑިޑޭޓް ގާސިމް އިބްރާހިމްގެ ރިއާސީ ކެމްޕޭން ހިނގުމަށް އެގޮފީގެ ފަރާތުން ތައްޔާރުކޮށްފައިވާ ޖުމްހޫރީ ޕާޓީގެ ހެންވޭރު ގާމަގު މައިޒާން އޯގަސްޓް 23 ވަނަ ދުވަހުގެ ރޭ ޖުމްހޫރީ ޕާޓީގެ ރިއާސީ ކެންޑިޑޭޓް ގާސިމް އިބްރާހިމް ހުޅުއްވައިދެއްވައިފިއެވެ. މިއީ ޖުމްހޫރީ ޕާޓީގެ ގޮފިތަކުން މިގޮތުން ހުޅުވުނު ފުރަތަމަ މައިޒާނެވެ.
މިމައިޒާން ހުޅުއްވައިދެއްވުމަށް ފަހު ގާސިމް ވަނީ އެމައިޒާނުގެ މެހުމާނުންގެ ފޮތުގައި ސޮއި ކޮށްދެއްވާފައެވެ. މިރަސްމިއްޔާތުގައި ގާމަގު ގޮފީގެ ފަރާތުން އެމަނިކުފާނަށް ދެހަދިޔާއެއްވެސް އެރުވުނެވެ.މިރަސްމިއްޔާތުގައި ގާސިމް ވިދާޅުވީ ޕާޓީގެ ގައުމީ މަޖިލީސްއަށް ފަހު ޕާޓީގެ މަގްބޫލުކަން ވަރަށް ބޮޑަށް އިތުރުވެއްޖެ ކަމަށެވެ.
މިރަސްމިއްޔާތުގައި މިގޮފިން ކެމްޕޭނުގެ ކަންތައް ގެންދަން ރާވާފައިވާ ގޮތުގެ ތަފްސީލް އެމަނިކުފާނަށް ކިޔައިދެއްވީ ގޮފީގެ ރައީސް މުހައްމަދު ރަޝީދު (ދޮންއަންނާރު) އާއި ގޮފީގެ ނައިބުރައީސް ތާޅަފިލި އަލިމަނިކުއެވެ.
މިރަސްމިއްޔާތުގައި ގާމަގު ގޮފީގެ މެމްބަރުންގެ އިތުރުން ޕާޓީގެ މެމްބަރުންނާއި ގާސިމްއަށް ސަޕޯޓް ކުރައްވާ ބައެއް ފަރާތްތަކުން ބައިވެރިވެ އެމަނިކުފާނަށް މަރުހަބާއާއި ތަހުނިޔާ ވިދާޅުވިއެވެ.
ގާމަގު ގޮފީގެ މެމްބަރ އަހުމަދު ޒަކީ ވަނީ ޕާޓީގެ އިސްލާމީ ވަހުދަތް ދަމަހައްޓާ ލީގުގެ އިތުރު މެމްބަރެއްގެ މަގާމަށް ގައުމީ މަޖިލީހުން ހޮވިފައެވެ.
ސޯސަންމަގު ދެކުނު ކޮޅުގައިގައި ހުންނަ ހ. ދޮންއަންނާރުގޭގައި މިހުޅުވުނު ގާމަގު މައިޒާނުން ޕާޓީގެ މެމްބަރޝިޕް ފޯމް ފުރުމާއި ގާމަގު ސަރައްދުގައި ހިމެނޭ ގޭގެއަށް ޑޯޓުޑޯއަށް ކެންޕޭން ހިންގުމާއި ޕާޓީގެ މަޢުލޫމާތު ބޭނުންވާ ފަރާތްތަކަށް ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމާއި އަދިވެސް އެތަށް ހަރަކާތްތަކެއް ހިންގަމުން ގެންދިޔުމަށްވަނީ ރާވާފައެވެ.
Hey DO Sappey!!!
How much are you earning from Gasim, the president of Bsns Party???
YOu are now adays promoting him!!!!
YOu guys are not promoting democracy, but rather you and the business hypocrites including GASIM are trying to ruin Maldives and the resources!!!
We will never work with you!!!
Great. Wish a great future for this party as well. Im not really into politics though.
ey golaa sappey. we visited ur sight only to hear abt mdp news. if u cant do that we wont visit this website anymore
i dont want Gasim to be a President of Maldives.I want Mohamed Nasheed Anni to be President.He is the real Hero of this country.Other Candidates Are Mumoon Puppets.
Hey DO Sappey? I Love you,you guy has the most credit for the bringing the democratic formulas,you have done a good things to Maldives and the people of Maldives.
Sappey I ask you keep on Hon.Qasim's campaine on your great and famouse web site,Why we support Hon.Gasim Ibrahim, there are many reason, Qasim's Wealth is sharing to only Maldivian and for the past 23 years he has spend every one USD he earned more than 27 USD cents, I am happy to say there are no single family in Maldives at least one member has got his help one way to another,Gasim nevr interested to politics but we the Maldivian repeatedly requisted him take the part not only to daysome years ago, Gasim has enough support in this country,I dont think he need to much campine like any other candidate and his party he has experenced former cabinet Ministers educated experenced bussiness people who loves the country. Maldivian fully support Hon.Gasim Ibrahim.RaniMahi.
Hey DO Sappey!!!!!
Keep on Gasim can do it, we fully support you,Sappey your DO is really great every one likes you and you have so much credit from the Maldivian ,your contributions we determine always. Keep on /RaniMahi
Hey Brothers and Sisiters -
What is democracy ? whats is freedom of expression ? whats is a free media ? whats your problem in Sappe posting infromation about Qasim ? Havent he posted about Maumoon, Anni, Hassan Saeed......and others....
By the ways what your problem with Qasim.... have you forgotten Maumoon.......
Gasim is racing against time. He has monetary resources and support at national level. But these won't translate into votes, unless he is able to establish grassroots level campaign mechanisms. Read analysis at: http://abdullahwaheedsblog.blogspot.com/2008/08/which-way-will-election-shift.html
Saabahay Jumhooree Party. Felayne mihaaru hurihaa ecchihinthahves. Ekamaku Gasim vareh neh. Golhaa beyrukohlevaynee hamaekani Gasim ah. Angayaa athaa dhimaanuvaa meehun verikamah kurimathi laifiyya emeehun ulhenjehaynee mahujanunge dhashu vefa. Mihaaru Gasim dhashuvaan jehay evves meeheh nuhunnaane.
Qasim is the only hope we have
Jumhooree party vareh hama neh
thee laari beynun vegen , amillaa faidhaa hoadhan ulheymeehun hulhuvaa than than, u guys remember same location golhabo also open one ofice, thi gaamagu dhon annaaruge akiri, thi ulheymeehun haadhan enburey ba ekey dho. i still support our hero ANNI. v r fightin for change, not money
Sappey's contribution for freedom of expression in our country must be recognized. We have seen days that we feared to utter the names of our leaders. If we wish to improve our condition, we must listen to free expression without bias. Then judge what is right or wrong.
The Republican are likely to prosper because the party has people with wealth. We also need the wealth if we wish to prosper as a country and as people.
There must be a reason why MDP is weakening and disintegrating. Why did Ibra leave, why did Munavvaru leave, why did the MPs leave.... the common answer is that Anni is hard to work with. I won't be suprised if more people leave, including Sappe but so far he is sticking with the party. However, he has begun promoting or rather covering stories of Jumhooree Party a little bit more. Indicating that he will eventually endorse Gasim like he said in his earlier statement, back in 2004.
We must not jump into conclusions but analyse why all this is happening.
hey Guys, wait for a second...........
Whats the problem with Sappe when reporting the news about Republican Party and its leadership.
We dont expect only MDP news to publish and spread, its the freedom of Sappe or any other medium to report any news in the Maldives.
I think some MDP guys are now against Sappe and most probably some emotional guys withing MDP are unable to understand the real democracy. Now its the time to talk about the potential candidate who can challenge Gayyom. I think its Mr.Gasim and the party he represents is dominating the parliament and the members are increasing, sooner Republican Party will be the largest opposition in the Maldives.
Of course before MDP was the largest opposition,remember not any more. That time DO brought so many news about MDP and its leadership,and there is no reason not to publish news about Mr.Gasim who will obviously has the competitive advantage to fight Gayyom.
As DO was the most viewed website during the beginning of this politics, and DO brought so many update news including MDP,at that time MDP was the strong party and which had the strong people who was most likely to defeat Gayyom, but today the whole movement has changed.
I think Sappe should keep publishing news about Mr.Gasim and even the opposition, now it seems more likely Republican Party to be so, so there is no issues.
If some is not able to digest these changes due to his selfishness, then sorry. Any news website can bring the new developments and we know that the truth is that the only person who is most capable with majority support is Mr.Gasim so reports should highlight " the come back of strong team to fight Gayyom"
There is no point to say how much Mr.Gasim paid and who else had paid, who ever paid to Sappe or any other person, in my view there is no problems at all, its so kind and shows that there is support for every one from any financial or otherwise to assist to another person in order to have a unity withing our society, to get full democracy and oust Gayyom. This is our main objective we all should not forget this.
Sappe', Hope to see more and more news, which will be hard to digest even Gayyom and his people.
You could imagine our future, if you have looked and heard Gasim's speech in their congress. The person who want to be a president of the Maldives could not express his view in
weritten dhivehi even. What a shame!!!
ޖުމްހޫރީ ޕާޓީއަށް އަހަރެން ތާއީދުކުރަނީ އަމިއްލައެދުން އޮވެގެން. އެއީ، މިޤައުމާދޭތެރޭ ވިސްނާ ވިޔަފާރިވެރިންނާއި ތަޢުލީމީ ޒުވާނުންނާއި ސިޔާސީ ވިސްނުންތެރިން އެޕާޓީން ފެންނާތީ. އަދި ރާއްޖޭގެ އިސްލާހަށާއި އިޤްތިސާދުގައި އިސްދަރެއް އަދާކުރައްވަމުންދާ ޤާސިމް އިބްރާހިމް އެޕާޓީގެ ލީޑަރުކަމަށް އެޕާޓީގެ މެންބަރުން ހައްދަވާދެއްވީމަ. މިހާރުވެސް ޤާސިމްގެ ލީޑަޝިޕް އެފެންނަނީ. ޤާސިމް އިބްރާހިމް ހަމައެކަނި ކުޅަދާނަ ވިޔަފާރިވެރިއެއްކަމަށް ބުނުމަކީ ހަޤީގަތާއިޚިލާފް ވާހަކައެއް. ޤަސިމް އިބްރާހިމްއަކީ ކުޅަދާނަ ސިޔާސީ ލީޑަރެއްވެސްމެ. އެކަން އޭނާއެވަނީ ޚާއްޞަ މަޖިލީހުގެ ރިޔާސަތުގައި ސާބިތުކޮށްދެއްވާފަ. ބުނެވިދިޔަ ވާހަކަތަކާދެކޮޅަށް ވާހަކަ ދައްކާމީހުންގެ އަމިއްލައެދުން ކިރާނީ އެވޭހަކައެއްދައްކާ މީހުން، އެމީހުންގެ އަމިއްލަ ނަފްސާއިމެދު އެމީހުންވިސްނާއިރު. ހަޤީގަތް
aharen bunan othee anni ge fahathun ulhegen mikan vaaka nethey (Maumoon beleykah) anni vanee eyna ufehdhi adhi migaumuga ufedhunu emme varugadha idhikolhu movement roolhaalaafa maa'akee anni vanee MDP ga thibi siyaasee gothun anni ah huri bireh kamah fenunu hurihaa myhun party dhookoh dhiumah majbooru kuruvaafa adhi anni vanee party ge maslahath nagaalaa eyna ge nufoozu mulhi party thereyga fathuraa adhi hama party ge nufoozu gadha magaamu thakah eynage thimaage myhun iskoh mihurihaa gandeh ganefa adhi nuvithanaka primaries ga vote ves olhuvaafa mivaruge myhakau gaumuge veriyaka hovan support kuraanee boa buraanthi vefa huri meehehkan yageen...metafolix
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